Gate Soldier (5C97)

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Gate Soldier (5C97) is a Sauron Minion from the Battle of Helm's Deep set.

Collection Info
Title Gate Soldier
Unique No
Collectible Yes
Set 5 - Battle of Helm's Deep
Rarity C - Common
Card Number 97
Language EN - English
Revision 0
Gameplay Info
Playable Yes
Culture Sauron
Side Shadow
Card Type Minion
Race Orc
Twilight Cost 2
Strength 7
Vitality 2
Site Number 6
Game Text When you play a condition, you may exert this minion and remove to draw a card.
Lore “...a host of orcs lurked, ready at a signal to issue forth like black ants going to war.”
DE - German
Card Name Wachsoldat
Game Text Wenn du einen Effekt spielst, darfst du diesen Diener anstrengen und den Einfluss um verringern, um eine Karte zu ziehen.
Lore ... dort lauerte ein Heer von Orks, um auf ein Zeichen hin herauszustürzen wie schwarze Ameisen, die in den Krieg ziehen.
ES - Spanish
Card Name Soldado de la puerta
Game Text Cuando juega suna condición , puedes esforzar este siervo y quitar para robar una carta.
Lore “...emboscado un ejército de Orcos, listo para lanzarse afuera a una señal como hormigas negras que parten a la guerra.”
FR - French
Card Name Soldat de la Porte
Game Text Quand vous jouez une situation , vous pouvez affaiblir ce séide et retirer pour piocher une carte.
Lore « ... là, restait tapie une armée d'Orques, prêts à sortir au premier signal telles des fourmis partant en guerre. »
IT - Italian
Card Name Soldato del Cancello
Game Text Quando giochi una condizione , puoi sforzare questo servitore e rimuovere per pescare una carta.
Lore “...un esercito di Orchetti attendeva il segnale per precipitarsi fuori come formiche nere in guerra.”

Technical Info
Wiki Base Card ID LOTR-EN05S097.0
GEMP ID 5_97
LOTRO Hex ID 61 BA C4 04
LOTRO Image ID 05_097


Gameplay Strategy[edit]

In this section, describe:

  • General usage
  • Unorthodox or subtle usage
  • Common pitfalls of using this card

Deckbuilding Strategy[edit]

In this section, describe:

  • Cards and strategies this card works well with
  • Cards and strategies this card works particularly well or poorly against
  • Alternate cards you might consider picking instead of this one, depending on the situation, including alternate version of characters

Strengths and Weaknesses[edit]

Synergizes With...[edit]

  • List friendly cards that work well with this card

Strong Versus...[edit]

  • List enemy cards this card does well against

Weak Versus...[edit]

  • List enemy or friendly cards to avoid playing this card with


In this section:

  • Put quotes from the CRDs and Comprehensive Rules here that reference this card specifically by name
  • Also put quotes if a particular rule commonly affects the outcome of a card in a subtle manner (such as quoting the Rule of 4 for Saved From the Fire (8R20) )
  • Link to rules discussions on TLHH

See Also[edit]

  • Add links to the wayback machine (or wiki archival links) for official Decipher articles regarding the card
  • Link to decks that use this card