Pillars of the Kings (1U358)

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Pillars of the Kings (1U358) is a Fellowship Block Site from the Fellowship of the Ring set.

Collection Info
Title Pillars of the Kings
Unique No
Collectible Yes
Set 1 - The Fellowship of the Ring
Rarity U - Uncommon
Card Number 358
Language EN - English
Revision 0
Gameplay Info
Playable Yes
Culture Site
Side None
Card Type Site
Site Style Standard
Site Number 8
Block Fellowship
Shadow Number 6
Arrow Direction Right
Sanctuary No
Game Text River. Fellowship: Discard a card from hand to heal a companion.
DE - German
Card Name Die Säulen der Könige
Game Text Fluss. Gemeinschaft. Lege eine Karte aus deiner Hand ab, um einen Gefährten zu heilen.
ES - Spanish
Card Name Pilares de Los Reyes
Game Text Río. Comunidad: Descarta una carta de tu mano para curar un compañero .
FR - French
Card Name Piliers des Rois
Game Text Rivière. Compagnie : Défaussez une carte de votre main pour guérir un compagnon .
IT - Italian
Card Name Colonne dei Re
Game Text Fiume. Compagnia: Scarta una carta dalla mano per curare un compagno .
PL - Polish
PT - Portuguese
ZH - Chinese

Technical Info
Wiki Base Card ID LOTR-EN01S358.0
GEMP ID 1_358
LOTRO Hex ID 46 3A F4
LOTRO Image ID 01_358


One of the cheaper versions of site 8, Pillars of the Kings is a relatively safe choice of site for the Free Peoples player and offers a small incentive to stop at it with [Gondor] companions. The cost of a [Gondor] card for a heal is not too steep and can clean up a wounded Aragorn or Boromir for that final step to site 9.

As a river, several cards, like Release the Angry Flood or A Ranger's Versatility can play here.

Strengths and Weaknesses[edit]

Strong Versus...[edit]

  • [6] twilight site 8 is great for choke decks
  • River keyword

Weak Versus...[edit]

  • Game text requires stopping at site