Rosie Cotton, Hobbiton Lass (1U309)

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Rosie Cotton, Hobbiton Lass (1U309) is a Shire Ally from the Fellowship of the Ring set.

Collection Info
Title Rosie Cotton
Subtitle Hobbiton Lass
Unique Yes
Collectible Yes
Notes Game text is a clarification.
Set 1 - The Fellowship of the Ring
Rarity U - Uncommon
Card Number 309
Language EN - English
Revision 0
Gameplay Info
Playable Yes
Culture Shire
Side Free Peoples
Card Type Ally
Race Hobbit
Twilight Cost 1
Strength 1
Vitality 2
Site Number 1
Game Text Sam is strength +1.

Fellowship: Exert Rosie to heal Sam.

Lore “‘Go on Sam, ask Rosie for a dance.'”
DE - German
Card Name Rosie Hüttinger, Mädchen aus Hobbingen
Game Text Sam erhält Stärke +1. Gemeinschaft. Strenge Rosie Hüttinger an, um Sam zu heilen.
Lore "Komm schon, Sam. Frag Rosie, ob sie mit dir tanzt.“
ES - Spanish
Card Name Rosita Coto, Muchacha de Hobbiton
Game Text Sam es fuerza +1. Comunidad: Esfuerza a Rosita Coto para curar a Sam.
Lore “Venga Sam, pídele a Rosita un baile.”
FR - French
Card Name Rose Chaumine, Jeune Fille de Hobbitebourg
Game Text Sam a +1 en force. Compagnie : Affaiblissez Rose Chaumine pour guérir Sam.
Lore “‘Allez Sam, demande à Rose une danse.'”
IT - Italian

Game Text Aggiungi +1 alla forza di Sam.

Compagnia: Sforza Rosie Cotton per curare Sam.

PL - Polish
PT - Portuguese
ZH - Chinese

Technical Info
Wiki Base Card ID LOTR-EN01S309.0
GEMP ID 1_309
LOTRO Hex ID 45 37 F4
LOTRO Image ID 01_309


An important member of the "Hobbit Hospital" strategy, Rosie Cotton, Hobbiton Lass can heal Sam at the cost of an exertion in the Fellowship phase. While Hobbits have access to several healing options with Pipes and Pipeweeds, events such as Hobbit Appetite or Stout and Sturdy, and conditional healing such as The Shire Countryside, allies such as Rosie Cotton, Hobbiton Lass, The Gaffer, Sam's Father, and Farmer Maggot, Chaser of Rascals, are popular for the ability to heal from the support area. The self-healing Hobbit Party Guest and Frodo, Old Bilbo's Heir can effectively "transfer" wounds from [Shire] companions to allies.

Rosie Cotton, Hobbiton Lass is particularly important in a deck that focuses on the bond between Frodo and Sam. A Promise, a condition that increases the two Ring-Bound Hobbits' strength, is only effective when each is not exhausted. Additionally, Rosie Cotton provides an extra strength boost of 1 to Sam when in play.

Strengths and Weaknesses[edit]

Strong Versus...[edit]

  • Readily healed by Frodo, Old Bilbo's Heir and Hobbit Party Guest
  • Hobbit to spot for Chance Observation
  • Works well with A Promise

Weak Versus...[edit]

  • Anduin Confluence
  • Ally targeting cards, such as Fear or Tower Assassin
  • Mostly useless if Sam is killed


  • Note the errata in Rosie Cotton's game text

Alternate Personas[edit]

Portrait Name Game Text
Rosie Cotton, Barmaid (12R129) Sam cannot be overwhelmed unless his strength is tripled.

Each time the Free Peoples player assigns Rosie Cotton to a skirmish, add 2 burdens. ​

See Also[edit]


Fellowship Block Hobbit Hospital by civ4master

Ring-bearer: Frodo, Old Bilbo's Heir Ring: The One Ring, Isildur's Bane

Free Peoples Draw Deck: 1x Merry, From O'er the Brandywine (Starting) 1x Pippin, Friend to Frodo (Starting) 1x Sam, Son of Hamfast (Starting)

1x Bilbo, Well-spoken Gentlehobbit 2x Bounder 1x Farmer Maggot, Chaser of Rascals 1x Filibert Bolger, Wily Rascal 1x Hobbit Farmer 2x Hobbit Party Guest 1x Rosie Cotton, Hobbiton Lass 1x The Gaffer, Sam's Father

3x Hobbit Sword 1x Sting 2x Thror's Map 1x Mithril-coat

2x Power According to His Stature 4x Hobbit Intuition 2x Hobbit Stealth

3x A Promise 1x A Talent for Not Being Seen 2x O Elbereth! Gilthoniel! 2x There and Back Again