Troll's Keyward (1R199)

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The Underdeeps of Moria (1R200)

Troll's Keyward (1R199) is a Moria Minion from the Fellowship of the Ring set.

Collection Info
Title Troll’s Keyward
Unique Yes
Collectible Yes
Set 1 - The Fellowship of the Ring
Rarity R - Rare
Card Number 199
Language EN - English
Revision 0
Gameplay Info
Playable Yes
Culture Moria
Side Shadow
Card Type Minion
Race Orc
Twilight Cost 3
Strength 8
Vitality 3
Site Number 4
Game Text Cave Troll of Moria’s twilight cost is -2.
Lore Though shorter than a Man, the Troll's Keyward is a deadly adversary.
DE - German
Card Name Troll Schlüsselmeister
Game Text Die Zwielichtkosten des Höhlentrolls von Moria reduzieren sich um 2.
Lore Obwohl kleiner als ein Mensch, ist der Schlüsselmeister ein gefährlicher Gegner.
ES - Spanish
Card Name El Guardián del Troll
Game Text El coste de penumbra del Troll de las Cuevas es -2.
Lore Aunque más bajo que un Hombre, el Guardián del Troll es un adversario mortífero.
FR - French
Card Name Gardien du Troll
Game Text Le coût crépusculaire du Troll des Cavernes est de -2.
Lore Quoique plus petit qu'un Homme, le Gardien du Troll est un adversaire mortel.
IT - Italian
Card Name Guardiano del Troll
Game Text Sottrai -2 al costo crepuscolo del Troll delle Caverne.
Lore Sebbene più basso di un uomo, il Guardiano del Troll è un avversario letale.
PL - Polish
PT - Portuguese
ZH - Chinese

Technical Info
Wiki Base Card ID LOTR-EN01S199.0
GEMP ID 1_199
LOTRO Hex ID 47 30 F4
LOTRO Image ID 01_199


While the typical Moria Swarm strategy features several small minions swarming the Fellowship player, Troll's Keyward does not fit the mold with its higher vitality, strength, and twilight cost. His attributes make him instead a key minion in the less used (but not less powerful) Moria Beatdown shadow. Troll's Keyward has game text that intrinsically makes the Cave Troll of Moria's twilight cost -[2] twilight. The high vitality of the Troll's Keyward makes the minion a mighty wielder of the Moria Axe hand weapon. Or a strong choice to absorb Fellowship archery. With a vitality greater than [1], Troll's Keyward can exert for cards such as Threat of the Unknown, Troubled Mountains, What Is This New Devilry?, or Through the Misty Mountains.

As a unique minion, multiple copies of Troll's Keyward can be cycled out of hand via They Are Coming to prevent hand clog. In a somewhat interesting coincidence, Troll's Keyward receives a boost from Dark Places like the Balrog, The Cave Troll, or Watcher in the Water, Keeper of Westgate, potentially making him a solid "bruiser" minion alongside the Troll.

Strengths and Weaknesses[edit]

Strong Versus...[edit]

  • Archery/Wounding
  • Low Strength companions
  • Has synergy with Cave Troll of Moria, Scourge of the Black Pit
  • Effective with Moria Axe, and other [Moria] exertion cards (such as Threat of the Unknown)
  • Works well with Goblin Swarms (if he bears a Moria Axe, he's almost guaranteed to win)
  • Unique minion for Dark Places

Weak Versus...[edit]

  • High-strength companions (if not bearing the Moria Axe)

Alternate Personas[edit]

Portrait Name Game Text
Troll’s Keyward, Keeper of the Beast (12R105) Lurker. (Skirmishes involving lurker minions must be resolved after any others.)

Shadow: Exert Troll’s Keyward and reveal your hand to add for each  Troll revealed. ​