Saruman's Reach (1R137)

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Saruman's Reach (1R137) is a Isengard Event from the Fellowship of the Ring set.

Collection Info
Title Saruman's Reach
Unique No
Collectible Yes
Set 1 - The Fellowship of the Ring
Rarity R - Rare
Card Number 137
Language EN - English
Revision 0
Gameplay Info
Playable Yes
Culture Isengard
Side Shadow
Card Type Event
Twilight Cost 0
Game Text Search.

Maneuver: Exert an Uruk-hai to make the opponent choose to either exert 2 companions or make the Ring-bearer put on The One Ring until the regroup phase.

Lore Saruman used both magic and minions to impose his will.
DE - German
Card Name Sarumans Griff
Game Text Suche. Manöver: Strenge einen Uruk-hai an, um deinen Gegenspieler zu zwingen entweder 2 Gefährten anzustrengen oder den Ringträger den Einen Ring bis zur Sammelphase benutzen zu lassen.
Lore Saruman benutzt sowohl Zauberkräfte als auch seine Diener, um der Welt seinen Willen aufzuzwingen.
ES - Spanish
Card Name El Alcance de Saruman
Game Text Búsqueda. Maniobra: Esfuerza un Uruk-hai para hacer que el oponente elija o bien esforzar 2 compañeros o hacer que el Portador del Anillo se ponga El Anillo Único hasta la fase de reagrupación.
Lore Saruman uso tanto magia como siervos para imponer su voluntad.
FR - French
Card Name L'Emprise de Saroumane
Game Text Recherche.
Lore Man*uvre: Affaiblissez un Ourouk-Haï pour obliger l'adversaire à choisir soit d'affaiblir 2 compagnons, soit de faire mettre l'Anneau Unique au Porteur de l'Anneau jusqu'à la phase de ralliement.
IT - Italian
Card Name A Portata di Saruman
Game Text Ricerca.

Manovra: Sforza un Uruk-hai per far scegliere all’avversario o di sforzare 2 compagni o di far indossare L’Unico Anello al Portatore dell’Anello, fino alla fase di raccolta.

Lore Saruman usò sia la magia che i suoi servi per imporre la sua volontà.
PL - Polish
PT - Portuguese
ZH - Chinese

Technical Info
Wiki Base Card ID LOTR-EN01S137.0
GEMP ID 1_137
LOTRO Hex ID 49 2C F4
LOTRO Image ID 01_137


Saruman's Reach is a maneuver event that exerts two companions or forces the Ring-bearer to put on the One Ring at the exertion of an Uruk-Hai.

Forcing the Ring-bearer to wear the One Ring is a rather underutilized strategy with only Saruman's Reach and Resistance Becomes Unbearable forcing on the One Ring. Cards such as Too Much Attention, Uruk Spy, or the powerful Return to Its Master require the Ring-bearer to be wearing the One Ring. That said, the cost of a Nazgul and an Uruk-Hai may be twilight restrictive against choke strategies in Fellowship block. The [Isengard]-[Wraith] deck build does offer intriguing cards, including News of Mordor.

As a search card and an event, Saruman's Reach can have the twilight cost increased by Fearing the Worst as well as Legolas, Dauntless Hunter, though Saruman's Ambition can mitigate this effect. Additionally, the exertion of an Uruk-Hai is not confined to the [Isengard] culture; [Sauron] and [Uruk-hai] Uruk-Hai can also use this event.

Strengths and Weaknesses[edit]

Strong Versus...[edit]

  • Works well with Resistance Becomes Unbearable
  • Playable with [Sauron] Uruk-Hai, potentially combining with Hate and other maneuver wounding

Weak Versus...[edit]

  • Hand clog, particularly against choke Free Peoples strategies with low-!vitality Uruk-Hai
  • Combination-heavy card, requiring decent set-up
  • Cards that reveal the shadow player's hand