Data:Well Stored (4U296)/Data
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This page defines the card data as used on the main Data:Well Stored (4U296) article. Only edit the information on this page if there is an obvious typo or if you otherwise know what you're doing.
ID | LOTR-EN04S296.0 |
ReprintBaseID | LOTR-EN04S296.0 |
Title | Well Stored |
Subtitle | |
Set Number | 4 |
Subset | S |
SetOrder | 296 |
Rarity | U |
Card Number | 296 |
Revision | 0 |
CollInfo | 4U296 |
GEMP_ID | 4_296 |
LOTRO Hex ID | 68 A2 D0 03 |
LOTRO Image # | 04_296 |
TLHH Image # | LOTR04296 |
Culture | Rohan |
Side | Free Peoples |
Card Type | Condition |
Was Physically Printed | yes |
Is An Actual Playable Card | yes |
SearchTerms | |
Notes |
ID | LOTR-EN04S296.0 |
Base Card ID | LOTR-EN04S296.0 |
Subset | S |
Revision | 0 |
ReleaseDate | |
ReleaseNotes | |
Image Filename | |
Portrait Filename | |
Language Code | EN |
IsPhysical | yes |
IsPlayable | yes |
CollInfo | |
Is Unique | no |
Title | Well Stored |
Subtitle | |
Subtypes | |
Twilight Cost | 1 |
Strength | |
Strength Modifier | |
Vitality | |
Vitality Modifier | |
Site Number | |
Site Number Modifier | |
Resistance | |
Resistance Modifier | |
CanBearRing | |
Signet | |
Block | |
Shadow Number | |
Arrow Direction | |
Game Text | Plays to your support area. At the start of each fellowship phase, you may heal a villager. |
Tagged Game Text | At the start of each fellowship phase, you may heal a villager. |
Formatted Game Text | At the start of each fellowship phase, you may heal a villager. |
Lore | “‘Behind us in the caves of the Deep are... old and young, children and women. But great store of food, and many beasts and their fodder, have also been gathered there.'” |
Promo Text | |
Notes |
ID | LOTR-DE04S296.0 |
Base Card ID | LOTR-EN04S296.0 |
Subset | S |
Revision | 0 |
ReleaseDate | |
ReleaseNotes | |
Image Filename | |
Portrait Filename | |
Language Code | DE |
IsPhysical | |
IsPlayable | |
CollInfo | |
Is Unique | |
Title | Gut versorgt |
Subtitle | |
Subtypes | |
Twilight Cost | |
Strength | |
Strength Modifier | |
Vitality | |
Vitality Modifier | |
Site Number | |
Site Number Modifier | |
Resistance | |
Resistance Modifier | |
CanBearRing | |
Signet | |
Block | |
Shadow Number | |
Arrow Direction | |
Game Text | |
Tagged Game Text | Spiele diese Karte in deinen Unterstützungs-bereich. Zu Beginn jeder Gemeinschaftsphase darfst du einen Dorfbewohner heilen. |
Formatted Game Text | Spiele diese Karte in deinen Unterstützungs-bereich. Zu Beginn jeder Gemeinschaftsphase darfst du einen Dorfbewohner heilen. |
Lore | "Hinter uns in den Höhlen sind... Alt und Jung, Kinder und Frauen. Aber auch große Vorräte von Lebensmitteln sind angelegt worden, und viele Tiere sind da und Futter für sie.“ |
Promo Text | |
Notes |
ID | LOTR-FR04S296.0 |
Base Card ID | LOTR-EN04S296.0 |
Subset | S |
Revision | 0 |
ReleaseDate | |
ReleaseNotes | |
Image Filename | |
Portrait Filename | |
Language Code | FR |
IsPhysical | |
IsPlayable | |
CollInfo | |
Is Unique | |
Title | Bien Approvisionnés |
Subtitle | |
Subtypes | |
Twilight Cost | |
Strength | |
Strength Modifier | |
Vitality | |
Vitality Modifier | |
Site Number | |
Site Number Modifier | |
Resistance | |
Resistance Modifier | |
CanBearRing | |
Signet | |
Block | |
Shadow Number | |
Arrow Direction | |
Game Text | |
Tagged Game Text | Au début de chaque phase de compagnie, vous pouvez guérir un <keyword>Villageois.</keyword> |
Formatted Game Text | Au début de chaque phase de compagnie, vous pouvez guérir un Villageois. |
Lore | « “Derrière nous, dans les cavernes de Helm se trouvent... vieux et jeunes, femmes et enfants. Mais de grandes réserves de nourritures, et plusieurs bêtes et leur fourrage ont aussi été rassemblés ici.” » |
Promo Text | |
Notes |
ID | LOTR-IT04S296.0 |
Base Card ID | LOTR-EN04S296.0 |
Subset | S |
Revision | 0 |
ReleaseDate | |
ReleaseNotes | |
Image Filename | |
Portrait Filename | |
Language Code | IT |
IsPhysical | |
IsPlayable | |
CollInfo | |
Is Unique | |
Title | Ben Immagazzinato |
Subtitle | |
Subtypes | |
Twilight Cost | |
Strength | |
Strength Modifier | |
Vitality | |
Vitality Modifier | |
Site Number | |
Site Number Modifier | |
Resistance | |
Resistance Modifier | |
CanBearRing | |
Signet | |
Block | |
Shadow Number | |
Arrow Direction | |
Game Text | |
Tagged Game Text | Giocala nella tua area di supporto. All’inizio di ogni fase della compagnia, puoi curare un <keyword>Villico.</keyword> |
Formatted Game Text | Giocala nella tua area di supporto. All’inizio di ogni fase della compagnia, puoi curare un Villico. |
Lore | “‘Dietro di noi, nelle caverne del Fosso, sono rifugiati... vecchi e giovani, donne e bambini. Ma ivi abbiamo anche riunito grandi quantità di provviste, di animali e di foraggio.'” |
Promo Text | |
Notes |
ID | LOTR-ES04S296.0 |
Base Card ID | LOTR-EN04S296.0 |
Subset | S |
Revision | 0 |
ReleaseDate | |
ReleaseNotes | |
Image Filename | |
Portrait Filename | |
Language Code | ES |
IsPhysical | |
IsPlayable | |
CollInfo | |
Is Unique | |
Title | Bien Almacenado |
Subtitle | |
Subtypes | |
Twilight Cost | |
Strength | |
Strength Modifier | |
Vitality | |
Vitality Modifier | |
Site Number | |
Site Number Modifier | |
Resistance | |
Resistance Modifier | |
CanBearRing | |
Signet | |
Block | |
Shadow Number | |
Arrow Direction | |
Game Text | |
Tagged Game Text | Al principio de cada fase de comunidad, puedes curar un <keyword>Aldeano.</keyword> |
Formatted Game Text | Al principio de cada fase de comunidad, puedes curar un Aldeano. |
Lore | “Atrás, en las cavernas del Abismo, están... viejos y jóvenes, niños y mujeres. Pero también hemos llevado allí provisiones en abundancia y muchas bestias, y el forraje necesario para alimentarlas.” |
Promo Text | |
Notes |
ID | LOTR-EN04F296.0 |
Base Card ID | LOTR-EN04S296.0 |
Subset | F |
Revision | 0 |
ReleaseDate | |
ReleaseNotes | |
Image Filename | |
Portrait Filename | |
Language Code | EN |
IsPhysical | yes |
IsPlayable | yes |
CollInfo | 4U296 |
Is Unique | |
Title | |
Subtitle | |
Subtypes | |
Twilight Cost | |
Strength | |
Strength Modifier | |
Vitality | |
Vitality Modifier | |
Site Number | |
Site Number Modifier | |
Resistance | |
Resistance Modifier | |
CanBearRing | |
Signet | |
Block | |
Shadow Number | |
Arrow Direction | |
Game Text | |
Tagged Game Text | |
Formatted Game Text | |
Lore | |
Promo Text | |
Notes |
ID | LOTR-DE04F296.0 |
Base Card ID | LOTR-EN04S296.0 |
Subset | F |
Revision | 0 |
ReleaseDate | |
ReleaseNotes | |
Image Filename | LOTR-DE04F296.0_card.jpg |
Portrait Filename | |
Language Code | DE |
IsPhysical | yes |
IsPlayable | yes |
CollInfo | 4U296 |
Is Unique | |
Title | |
Subtitle | |
Subtypes | |
Twilight Cost | |
Strength | |
Strength Modifier | |
Vitality | |
Vitality Modifier | |
Site Number | |
Site Number Modifier | |
Resistance | |
Resistance Modifier | |
CanBearRing | |
Signet | |
Block | |
Shadow Number | |
Arrow Direction | |
Game Text | |
Tagged Game Text | |
Formatted Game Text | |
Lore | |
Promo Text | |
Notes |
ID | LOTR-FR04F296.0 |
Base Card ID | LOTR-EN04S296.0 |
Subset | F |
Revision | 0 |
ReleaseDate | |
ReleaseNotes | |
Image Filename | LOTR-FR04F296.0_card.jpg |
Portrait Filename | |
Language Code | FR |
IsPhysical | yes |
IsPlayable | yes |
CollInfo | 4U296 |
Is Unique | |
Title | |
Subtitle | |
Subtypes | |
Twilight Cost | |
Strength | |
Strength Modifier | |
Vitality | |
Vitality Modifier | |
Site Number | |
Site Number Modifier | |
Resistance | |
Resistance Modifier | |
CanBearRing | |
Signet | |
Block | |
Shadow Number | |
Arrow Direction | |
Game Text | |
Tagged Game Text | |
Formatted Game Text | |
Lore | |
Promo Text | |
Notes |
ID | LOTR-IT04F296.0 |
Base Card ID | LOTR-EN04S296.0 |
Subset | F |
Revision | 0 |
ReleaseDate | |
ReleaseNotes | |
Image Filename | LOTR-IT04F296.0_card.jpg |
Portrait Filename | |
Language Code | IT |
IsPhysical | yes |
IsPlayable | yes |
CollInfo | 4U296 |
Is Unique | |
Title | |
Subtitle | |
Subtypes | |
Twilight Cost | |
Strength | |
Strength Modifier | |
Vitality | |
Vitality Modifier | |
Site Number | |
Site Number Modifier | |
Resistance | |
Resistance Modifier | |
CanBearRing | |
Signet | |
Block | |
Shadow Number | |
Arrow Direction | |
Game Text | |
Tagged Game Text | |
Formatted Game Text | |
Lore | |
Promo Text | |
Notes |
ID | LOTR-ES04F296.0 |
Base Card ID | LOTR-EN04S296.0 |
Subset | F |
Revision | 0 |
ReleaseDate | |
ReleaseNotes | |
Image Filename | LOTR-ES04F296.0_card.jpg |
Portrait Filename | |
Language Code | ES |
IsPhysical | yes |
IsPlayable | yes |
CollInfo | 4U296 |
Is Unique | |
Title | |
Subtitle | |
Subtypes | |
Twilight Cost | |
Strength | |
Strength Modifier | |
Vitality | |
Vitality Modifier | |
Site Number | |
Site Number Modifier | |
Resistance | |
Resistance Modifier | |
CanBearRing | |
Signet | |
Block | |
Shadow Number | |
Arrow Direction | |
Game Text | |
Tagged Game Text | |
Formatted Game Text | |
Lore | |
Promo Text | |
Notes |