Data:Supporting Fire (4C83)/Data
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This page defines the card data as used on the main Data:Supporting Fire (4C83) article. Only edit the information on this page if there is an obvious typo or if you otherwise know what you're doing.
ID | LOTR-EN04S083.0 |
ReprintBaseID | LOTR-EN04S083.0 |
Title | Supporting Fire |
Subtitle | |
Set Number | 4 |
Subset | S |
SetOrder | 83 |
Rarity | C |
Card Number | 83 |
Revision | 0 |
CollInfo | 4C83 |
GEMP_ID | 4_83 |
LOTRO Hex ID | 63 95 D0 03 |
LOTRO Image # | 04_083 |
TLHH Image # | LOTR04083 |
Culture | Elven |
Side | Free Peoples |
Card Type | Event |
Was Physically Printed | yes |
Is An Actual Playable Card | yes |
SearchTerms | |
Notes |
ID | LOTR-EN04S083.0 |
Base Card ID | LOTR-EN04S083.0 |
Subset | S |
Revision | 0 |
ReleaseDate | |
ReleaseNotes | |
Image Filename | |
Portrait Filename | |
Language Code | EN |
IsPhysical | yes |
IsPlayable | yes |
CollInfo | |
Is Unique | no |
Title | Supporting Fire |
Subtitle | |
Subtypes | |
Twilight Cost | 1 |
Strength | |
Strength Modifier | |
Vitality | |
Vitality Modifier | |
Site Number | |
Site Number Modifier | |
Resistance | |
Resistance Modifier | |
CanBearRing | |
Signet | |
Block | |
Shadow Number | |
Arrow Direction | |
Game Text | Skirmish: Make an Elf strength +2 (or +3 if you spot 3 Elf companions). |
Tagged Game Text | <keyword>Skirmish:</keyword> Make an Elf strength +2 (or +3 if you spot 3 Elf companions). |
Formatted Game Text | Skirmish: Make an Elf strength +2 (or +3 if you spot 3 Elf companions). |
Lore | Sword-work is made easier with archery support. |
Promo Text | |
Notes |
ID | LOTR-DE04S083.0 |
Base Card ID | LOTR-EN04S083.0 |
Subset | S |
Revision | 0 |
ReleaseDate | |
ReleaseNotes | |
Image Filename | |
Portrait Filename | |
Language Code | DE |
IsPhysical | |
IsPlayable | |
CollInfo | |
Is Unique | |
Title | Unterstützungsfeuer |
Subtitle | |
Subtypes | |
Twilight Cost | |
Strength | |
Strength Modifier | |
Vitality | |
Vitality Modifier | |
Site Number | |
Site Number Modifier | |
Resistance | |
Resistance Modifier | |
CanBearRing | |
Signet | |
Block | |
Shadow Number | |
Arrow Direction | |
Game Text | |
Tagged Game Text | <keyword>Kampf</keyword> Gib einem Elben Stärke +2 (oder Stärke +3, wenn du 3 Elbengefährten entdeckst). |
Formatted Game Text | Kampf Gib einem Elben Stärke +2 (oder Stärke +3, wenn du 3 Elbengefährten entdeckst). |
Lore | Schwertarbeit wurde viel einfacher durch die Unterstützung der Bogenschützen. |
Promo Text | |
Notes |
ID | LOTR-FR04S083.0 |
Base Card ID | LOTR-EN04S083.0 |
Subset | S |
Revision | 0 |
ReleaseDate | |
ReleaseNotes | |
Image Filename | |
Portrait Filename | |
Language Code | FR |
IsPhysical | |
IsPlayable | |
CollInfo | |
Is Unique | |
Title | Tir de Soutien |
Subtitle | |
Subtypes | |
Twilight Cost | |
Strength | |
Strength Modifier | |
Vitality | |
Vitality Modifier | |
Site Number | |
Site Number Modifier | |
Resistance | |
Resistance Modifier | |
CanBearRing | |
Signet | |
Block | |
Shadow Number | |
Arrow Direction | |
Game Text | |
Tagged Game Text | <keyword>Combat :</keyword> Donnez +2 en force à un Elfe (ou +3 si vous désignez 3 compagnons Elfes). |
Formatted Game Text | Combat : Donnez +2 en force à un Elfe (ou +3 si vous désignez 3 compagnons Elfes). |
Lore | Le combat à l'épée est facilité par le soutien des archers. |
Promo Text | |
Notes |
ID | LOTR-IT04S083.0 |
Base Card ID | LOTR-EN04S083.0 |
Subset | S |
Revision | 0 |
ReleaseDate | |
ReleaseNotes | |
Image Filename | |
Portrait Filename | |
Language Code | IT |
IsPhysical | |
IsPlayable | |
CollInfo | |
Is Unique | |
Title | Fuoco di Supporto |
Subtitle | |
Subtypes | |
Twilight Cost | |
Strength | |
Strength Modifier | |
Vitality | |
Vitality Modifier | |
Site Number | |
Site Number Modifier | |
Resistance | |
Resistance Modifier | |
CanBearRing | |
Signet | |
Block | |
Shadow Number | |
Arrow Direction | |
Game Text | |
Tagged Game Text | <keyword>Schermaglia:</keyword> Aggiungi +2 alla forza di un Elfo (o +3 se avvisti 3 compagni Elfi). |
Formatted Game Text | Schermaglia: Aggiungi +2 alla forza di un Elfo (o +3 se avvisti 3 compagni Elfi). |
Lore | Il compito delle spade è reso più facile dal supporto degli arcieri. |
Promo Text | |
Notes |
ID | LOTR-ES04S083.0 |
Base Card ID | LOTR-EN04S083.0 |
Subset | S |
Revision | 0 |
ReleaseDate | |
ReleaseNotes | |
Image Filename | |
Portrait Filename | |
Language Code | ES |
IsPhysical | |
IsPlayable | |
CollInfo | |
Is Unique | |
Title | Fuego De Apoyo |
Subtitle | |
Subtypes | |
Twilight Cost | |
Strength | |
Strength Modifier | |
Vitality | |
Vitality Modifier | |
Site Number | |
Site Number Modifier | |
Resistance | |
Resistance Modifier | |
CanBearRing | |
Signet | |
Block | |
Shadow Number | |
Arrow Direction | |
Game Text | |
Tagged Game Text | <keyword>Escaramuza:</keyword> Da a un Elfo fuerza +2 (o +3 si avistas 3 compañeros Elfos). |
Formatted Game Text | Escaramuza: Da a un Elfo fuerza +2 (o +3 si avistas 3 compañeros Elfos). |
Lore | El trabajo de espada se hace más fácil con el apoyo de la arquería. |
Promo Text | |
Notes |
ID | LOTR-EN04F083.0 |
Base Card ID | LOTR-EN04S083.0 |
Subset | F |
Revision | 0 |
ReleaseDate | |
ReleaseNotes | |
Image Filename | |
Portrait Filename | |
Language Code | EN |
IsPhysical | yes |
IsPlayable | yes |
CollInfo | 4C83 |
Is Unique | |
Title | |
Subtitle | |
Subtypes | |
Twilight Cost | |
Strength | |
Strength Modifier | |
Vitality | |
Vitality Modifier | |
Site Number | |
Site Number Modifier | |
Resistance | |
Resistance Modifier | |
CanBearRing | |
Signet | |
Block | |
Shadow Number | |
Arrow Direction | |
Game Text | |
Tagged Game Text | |
Formatted Game Text | |
Lore | |
Promo Text | |
Notes |
ID | LOTR-DE04F083.0 |
Base Card ID | LOTR-EN04S083.0 |
Subset | F |
Revision | 0 |
ReleaseDate | |
ReleaseNotes | |
Image Filename | LOTR-DE04F083.0_card.jpg |
Portrait Filename | |
Language Code | DE |
IsPhysical | yes |
IsPlayable | yes |
CollInfo | 4C83 |
Is Unique | |
Title | |
Subtitle | |
Subtypes | |
Twilight Cost | |
Strength | |
Strength Modifier | |
Vitality | |
Vitality Modifier | |
Site Number | |
Site Number Modifier | |
Resistance | |
Resistance Modifier | |
CanBearRing | |
Signet | |
Block | |
Shadow Number | |
Arrow Direction | |
Game Text | |
Tagged Game Text | |
Formatted Game Text | |
Lore | |
Promo Text | |
Notes |
ID | LOTR-FR04F083.0 |
Base Card ID | LOTR-EN04S083.0 |
Subset | F |
Revision | 0 |
ReleaseDate | |
ReleaseNotes | |
Image Filename | LOTR-FR04F083.0_card.jpg |
Portrait Filename | |
Language Code | FR |
IsPhysical | yes |
IsPlayable | yes |
CollInfo | 4C83 |
Is Unique | |
Title | |
Subtitle | |
Subtypes | |
Twilight Cost | |
Strength | |
Strength Modifier | |
Vitality | |
Vitality Modifier | |
Site Number | |
Site Number Modifier | |
Resistance | |
Resistance Modifier | |
CanBearRing | |
Signet | |
Block | |
Shadow Number | |
Arrow Direction | |
Game Text | |
Tagged Game Text | |
Formatted Game Text | |
Lore | |
Promo Text | |
Notes |
ID | LOTR-IT04F083.0 |
Base Card ID | LOTR-EN04S083.0 |
Subset | F |
Revision | 0 |
ReleaseDate | |
ReleaseNotes | |
Image Filename | LOTR-IT04F083.0_card.jpg |
Portrait Filename | |
Language Code | IT |
IsPhysical | yes |
IsPlayable | yes |
CollInfo | 4C83 |
Is Unique | |
Title | |
Subtitle | |
Subtypes | |
Twilight Cost | |
Strength | |
Strength Modifier | |
Vitality | |
Vitality Modifier | |
Site Number | |
Site Number Modifier | |
Resistance | |
Resistance Modifier | |
CanBearRing | |
Signet | |
Block | |
Shadow Number | |
Arrow Direction | |
Game Text | |
Tagged Game Text | |
Formatted Game Text | |
Lore | |
Promo Text | |
Notes |
ID | LOTR-ES04F083.0 |
Base Card ID | LOTR-EN04S083.0 |
Subset | F |
Revision | 0 |
ReleaseDate | |
ReleaseNotes | |
Image Filename | LOTR-ES04F083.0_card.jpg |
Portrait Filename | |
Language Code | ES |
IsPhysical | yes |
IsPlayable | yes |
CollInfo | 4C83 |
Is Unique | |
Title | |
Subtitle | |
Subtypes | |
Twilight Cost | |
Strength | |
Strength Modifier | |
Vitality | |
Vitality Modifier | |
Site Number | |
Site Number Modifier | |
Resistance | |
Resistance Modifier | |
CanBearRing | |
Signet | |
Block | |
Shadow Number | |
Arrow Direction | |
Game Text | |
Tagged Game Text | |
Formatted Game Text | |
Lore | |
Promo Text | |
Notes |