Arwen's Fate (1R93)

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Arwen's Fate (1R93) is a Gondor Event from the Fellowship of the Ring set.

Collection Info
Title Arwen's Fate
Unique No
Collectible Yes
Set 1 - The Fellowship of the Ring
Rarity R - Rare
Card Number 93
Language EN - English
Revision 0
Gameplay Info
Playable Yes
Culture Gondor
Side Free Peoples
Card Type Event
Twilight Cost 0
Game Text Skirmish: Exert Aragorn to make Arwen strength +3, or exert Arwen to make Aragorn strength +3.
Lore For the love of a mortal Man, Arwen, daughter of Elrond, must forsake her Elven heritage, and give up forever her journey to the Undying Lands.
DE - German
Card Name Arwens Schicksal
Game Text Kampf Strenge Aragorn an, um Arwen Stärke +3 zu geben; oder strenge Arwen an, um Aragorn Stärke +3 zu geben.
Lore Aus Liebe zu einem Sterblichen muss Elronds Tochter Arwen ihr elbisches Erbe aufgeben und für immer auf die Reise zu den unsterblichen Ländern verzichten.
ES - Spanish
Card Name El Destino de Arwen
Game Text Escaramuza: Esfuerza a Aragorn para dar fuerza +3 a Arwen, o esfuerza a Arwen para dar fuerza +3 a Aragorn.
Lore Por el amor de un Hombre mortal, Arwen, hija de Elrond, debe abandonar su herencia Élfica, y renunciar para siempre a su viaje a las Tierras Imperecederas.
FR - French
Card Name Le Destin d'Arwen
Game Text Combat : Affaiblissez Aragorn pour donner à Arwen +3 en force, ou affaiblissez Arwen pour donner à Aragorn +3 en force.
Lore Pour l'amour d'un Homme mortel, Arwen, fille d'Elrond, doit abandonner son héritage elfique, et renoncer pour toujours à son séjour dans les Terres Immortelles.
IT - Italian
Card Name Il Fato di Arwen
Game Text Schermaglia: Sforza Aragorn per aggiungere +3 alla forza di Arwen, o sforza Arwen per aggiungere +3 alla forza di Aragorn.
Lore Per l'amore di un uomo mortale, Arwen figlia di Elrond, deve abbandonare la sua eredità elfica, e rinunciare per sempre al suo viaggio verso le Terre Immortali
PL - Polish
PT - Portuguese
ZH - Chinese

Technical Info
Wiki Base Card ID LOTR-EN01S093.0
GEMP ID 1_93
LOTRO Hex ID 4D 29 F4
LOTRO Image ID 01_093


Character-specific skirmish event, Arwen's Fate offers the Free Peoples player the option of exerting Arwen for a +3 boost to Aragorn, or exerting Aragorn for a +3 boost to Arwen. Like The Choice of Luthien and Gift of the Evenstar from the Realms of the Elf Lords expansion, Arwen's Fate focuses on the connection between the two characters.

As two versions of Arwen and all versions of Aragorn are rangers in the Fellowship of the Ring block, Arwen's Fate is generally less productive than Swordsman of the Northern Kingdom. Additionally, the loss of either Arwen or Aragorn pigeon-holes a deck design and potentially leads to a clogged hand. The main advantage of using this card (As opposed to other exert pumps such as Battle Fury or Flashing Steel) is that it doesn't exert the character who is currently fighting, which makes it a safer option when dealing with [sauron] wounding or Uruk-hai with damage bonuses. The Choice of Luthien allows you to shift wounds back and forth between Arwen and Aragorn, so that you can ensure that the one who will exert has the vitality to do so. Also, the card works on all versions of either character, including ones that are not rangers (Such as Arwen, Lady Undomiel or Aragorn, Heir of Elendil).

As a rare card in the Fellowship of the Ring set, Arwen's Fate is even less likely to see play in a sealed format, as it requires having two rare companions (Arwen, Daughter of Elrond and Aragorn, Ranger of the North) or a rare companion and the Aragorn starter deck.

Strengths and Weaknesses[edit]

Strong Versus...[edit]

  • Strength bonus works across two cultures; however, it does require an exertion

Weak Versus...[edit]

  • Mass wounding/archery decks
  • Hand clog, or a play situation without both Aragorn and Arwen in play

See Also[edit]


Aragorn and Arwen deck:

1x Arwen, Daughter of Elrond 1x Aragorn, Heir to the White City 1x Sam, Son of Hamfast 3x Elrond, Herald to Gil-galad 3x Galadriel, Lady of the Golden Wood 2x Asfaloth 1x Gwemegil 1x Armor 1x Flaming Brand 1x Ranger's Sword 1x Hobbit Sword 1x Sting 1x Mithril-coat 3x Secret Sentinels 4x Arwen's Fate 1x Gift of the Evenstar 1x The Last Alliance of Elves and Men 1x The Tale of Gil-galad 1x The Choice of Luthien 4x A Promise 1x O Elbereth! Gilthoniel!