Pathfinder (1C110)

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One Whom Men Would Follow (1U109)
Back to Fellowship of the Ring Index
Pursuit Just Behind (1R111)

Pathfinder (1C110) is a Gondor Event from the Fellowship of the Ring set.

Collection Info
Title Pathfinder
Unique No
Collectible Yes
Notes Version: *.
Set 1 - The Fellowship of the Ring
Rarity C - Common
Card Number 110
Language EN - English
Revision 0
Gameplay Info
Playable Yes
Culture Gondor
Side Free Peoples
Card Type Event
Twilight Cost 0
Game Text Fellowship:or Regroup: Spot a ranger to play the fellowship’s next site (replacing opponent’s site if necessary).
Lore “‘Strider can take you by paths that are seldom trodden. Will you have him?'”
DE - German
Card Name Pfadfinder
Game Text Gemeinschaft oder Sammeln: Entdecke einen Waldläufer, um den nächsten Ort deiner Gemeinschaft auszuspielen (nötigenfalls darfst du einen Ort, der von einem Gegenspieler gespielt wurde, ersetzen).
Lore "Streicher kann euch auf Pfaden führen, die selten begangen werden. Wollt ihr ihn haben?“
ES - Spanish
Card Name Explorador
Game Text Comunidad o Reagrupación: Avista un montaraz para jugar el próximo sitio de la comunidad (remplazando el sitio del oponente sí es necesario).
Lore “Trancos podría guiarlo por senderos poco transitados. ¿Lo llevara con usted?”
FR - French
Card Name Éclaireur
Game Text Compagnie ou Ralliement : Désignez un rôdeur pour jouer le site suivant de la compagnie (en remplaçant le site de l’adversaire si nécessaire).
Lore “‘Grands-Pas peut vous mener par des sentiers rarement parcourus. Le voulez-vous ?'”
IT - Italian
Card Name Esploratore
Game Text Compagnia o

Raccolta: Avvista un Ramingo per giocare il successivo sito della Compagnia (sostituendo il sito dell’avversario se necessario).

Lore “‘Grampasso può indicarvi sentieri poco frequentati. Può venire con voi?'”
PL - Polish
PT - Portuguese
ZH - Chinese

Technical Info
Wiki Base Card ID LOTR-EN01S110.0
GEMP ID 1_110
LOTRO Image ID 01_110


One of the classic site manipulation cards, Pathfinder can be useful for giving the Free Peoples player some control over the adventure path, avoiding potentially dangerous sites such as Anduin Confluence or Cavern Entrance, or helping the player to get their own sites onto the path, which works well with powerful sites such as Ford of Bruinen, Hollin or Silverlode River. Since the card can benefit the player's Free Peoples or Shadow, it can be beneficial at most sites, and can be played even if not needed so that it doesn't clog the hand. It can be particularly beneficial for avoiding an opponent's site 9, as these sites often have nasty effects (Tol Brandir, Orthanc Balcony), however, Pathfinder can also be a risk in this case, as the user's own site 9 also has the potential to benefit an opponent. Being an event, this card works particularly well for decks designed to bid high and go first, since this will guarantee that the player is not getting their sites out already, unless they are overtaken by the opponent.

In Expanded format, Pathfinder, along with most other site manipulation cards, becomes much more valuable, as site manipulation is important to avoid being hit with one of the opponent's nasty sites at the wrong moment (Such as Steward's Tomb at a Sanctuary)

Alternate Versions[edit]

Portrait Name Game Text
Pathfinder (4C129) Fellowship or Regroup: Spot a ranger to play the fellowship’s next site (replacing opponent’s site if necessary).

See Also[edit]

  • This card can be used with several versions of Arwen and also Glorfindel, Eldarin Lord, since these companions are also Rangers.
