View table: CardReleases

From LOTR-TCG Wiki

Table structure:

  1. ID - String (mandatory; unique)
  2. BaseCardID - String (mandatory)
  3. Subset - String (mandatory)
  4. Revision - Integer (mandatory)
  5. ReleaseDate - Date
  6. ReleaseNotes - Wikitext
  7. ImageFilename - File
  8. PortraitFilename - File
  9. LanguageCode - String
  10. IsPhysical - Boolean
  11. IsPlayable - Boolean
  12. CollInfo - String
  13. IsUnique - Boolean
  14. Title - String
  15. Subtitle - String
  16. Subtypes - List of String, delimiter: ,
  17. TwilightCost - Integer
  18. Strength - Integer
  19. StrengthMod - String
  20. Vitality - Integer
  21. VitalityMod - String
  22. SiteNum - Integer
  23. SiteNumMod - String
  24. Resistance - Integer
  25. ResistanceMod - String
  26. CanBearRing - Boolean
  27. Signet - String (allowed values: Aragorn · Frodo · Gandalf · Theoden)
  28. Block - String (allowed values: None · Fellowship · Towers · King · Shadows · Hobbit)
  29. ShadowNum - Integer
  30. ArrowDir - String (allowed values: None · Left · Right)
  31. GameText - String
  32. TaggedGameText - String
  33. FormattedGameText - String
  34. Lore - String
  35. PromoText - String
  36. Notes - Wikitext

This table has 24,728 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page ID BaseCardID Subset Revision ReleaseDate ReleaseNotes ImageFilename PortraitFilename LanguageCode IsPhysical IsPlayable CollInfo IsUnique Title Subtitle Subtypes TwilightCost Strength StrengthMod Vitality VitalityMod SiteNum SiteNumMod Resistance ResistanceMod CanBearRing Signet Block ShadowNum ArrowDir GameText TaggedGameText FormattedGameText Lore PromoText Notes
Can You Protect Me From Yourself? (3R50)/Data (edit) LOTR-DE03F050.0 LOTR-EN03S050.0 F 0 LOTR-DE03F050.0_card.jpg
DE Yes Yes 3R50 No None None None
Can You Protect Me From Yourself? (3R50)/Data (edit) LOTR-DE03S050.0 LOTR-EN03S050.0 S 0
DE No Kannst du mich auch vor dir selbst schützen? None None None <keyword>Manöver:</keyword> Entdecke einen <symbol>isengard</symbol> Diener, um Aragorn zu erschöpfen. Der Freie Völker Spieler darf 2 Lastmarken auf den Ringträger legen, um dies zu verhindern. '''Manöver:''' Entdecke einen [[Image:Culture_Isengard.svg|x22px|text-bottom|link=Isengard_Culture|class=whitebg]] Diener, um Aragorn zu erschöpfen. Der Freie Völker Spieler darf 2 Lastmarken auf den Ringträger legen, um dies zu verhindern. "Wo ist der Ring?“
Can You Protect Me From Yourself? (3R50)/Data (edit) LOTR-EN03F050.0 LOTR-EN03S050.0 F 0
EN Yes Yes 3R50 No None None None
Can You Protect Me From Yourself? (3R50)/Data (edit) LOTR-EN03S050.0 LOTR-EN03S050.0 S 0
EN Yes Yes No Can You Protect Me From Yourself? 0 None None None Maneuver: Spot an [ISENGARD] minion to exhaust Aragorn. The Free Peoples player may add 2 burdens to prevent this. <keyword>Maneuver:</keyword> Spot an <symbol>isengard</symbol> minion to exhaust Aragorn. The Free Peoples player may add 2 burdens to prevent this. '''Maneuver:''' Spot an [[Image:Culture_Isengard.svg|x22px|text-bottom|link=Isengard_Culture|class=whitebg]] minion to exhaust Aragorn. The Free Peoples player may add 2 burdens to prevent this.
Can You Protect Me From Yourself? (3R50)/Data (edit) LOTR-ES03F050.0 LOTR-EN03S050.0 F 0 LOTR-ES03F050.0_card.jpg
ES Yes Yes 3R50 No None None None
Can You Protect Me From Yourself? (3R50)/Data (edit) LOTR-ES03S050.0 LOTR-EN03S050.0 S 0
ES No ¿Me Puedes Proteger de ti mismo? None None None <keyword>Maniobra:</keyword> Avista un siervo <symbol>isengard</symbol> para dejar exhausto a Aragorn. El jugador de Gentes Libres puede añadir dos cargas para prevenir esto. '''Maniobra:''' Avista un siervo [[Image:Culture_Isengard.svg|x22px|text-bottom|link=Isengard_Culture|class=whitebg]] para dejar exhausto a Aragorn. El jugador de Gentes Libres puede añadir dos cargas para prevenir esto. “¿Dónde está el Anillo?”
Can You Protect Me From Yourself? (3R50)/Data (edit) LOTR-FR03F050.0 LOTR-EN03S050.0 F 0 LOTR-FR03F050.0_card.jpg
FR Yes Yes 3R50 No None None None
Can You Protect Me From Yourself? (3R50)/Data (edit) LOTR-FR03S050.0 LOTR-EN03S050.0 S 0
FR No Pouvez-Vous Me Protéger de Vous-Même? None None None <keyword>Manœuvre :</keyword> Désignez un séide <symbol>isengard</symbol> pour épuiser Aragorn. Le joueur des Peuples Libres peut ajouter 2 points-fardeau pour prévenir ceci. '''Manœuvre :''' Désignez un séide [[Image:Culture_Isengard.svg|x22px|text-bottom|link=Isengard_Culture|class=whitebg]] pour épuiser Aragorn. Le joueur des Peuples Libres peut ajouter 2 points-fardeau pour prévenir ceci. « “Où est l'Anneau?” »
Can You Protect Me From Yourself? (3R50)/Data (edit) LOTR-IT03F050.0 LOTR-EN03S050.0 F 0 LOTR-IT03F050.0_card.jpg
IT Yes Yes 3R50 No None None None
Can You Protect Me From Yourself? (3R50)/Data (edit) LOTR-IT03S050.0 LOTR-EN03S050.0 S 0
IT No Puoi Proteggermi da Te Stesso? None None None <keyword>Manovra:</keyword> Avvista un servitore <symbol>isengard</symbol> per rendere esausto Aragorn. Il giocatore dei Popoli Liberi può aggiungere 2 segnalini fardello per prevenirlo. '''Manovra:''' Avvista un servitore [[Image:Culture_Isengard.svg|x22px|text-bottom|link=Isengard_Culture|class=whitebg]] per rendere esausto Aragorn. Il giocatore dei Popoli Liberi può aggiungere 2 segnalini fardello per prevenirlo. “‘Dove si trova l'anello?'”
Can You Protect Me From Yourself? (3R50)/Data (edit) LOTR-PL03F050.0 LOTR-EN03S050.0 F 0 LOTR-PL03F050.0_card.jpg
PL Yes Yes 3R50 No None None None
Can You Protect Me From Yourself? (3R50)/Data (edit) LOTR-PL03S050.0 LOTR-EN03S050.0 S 0
PL No None None None
Data:A Blended Race (2U16)/Data (edit) LOTR-DE02F016.0 LOTR-EN02S016.0 F 0 LOTR-DE02F016.0_card.jpg
DE Yes Yes 2U16 No None None None
Data:A Blended Race (2U16)/Data (edit) LOTR-DE02S016.0 LOTR-EN02S016.0 S 0
DE No Eine gekreuzte Rasse None None None Entdecke einen Elben, um diese Karte in deinen Unterstützungsbereich zu spielen. Alle Uruk-hai erhalten Stärke -2 und verlieren alle Schadensboni. Lege diesen Effekt in der Sammelphase ab. Entdecke einen Elben, um diese Karte in deinen Unterstützungsbereich zu spielen. Alle Uruk-hai erhalten Stärke -2 und verlieren alle Schadensboni. Lege diesen Effekt in der Sammelphase ab. " hat ihnen etwas angetan.... Denn diese Isengarter sind eher wie schlechte Menschen.“
Data:A Blended Race (2U16)/Data (edit) LOTR-EN02F016.0 LOTR-EN02S016.0 F 0
EN Yes Yes 2U16 No None None None
Data:A Blended Race (2U16)/Data (edit) LOTR-EN02S016.0 LOTR-EN02S016.0 S 0
EN Yes Yes No A Blended Race 1 None None None To play, spot an Elf. Plays to your support area. Each Uruk-hai is strength -2 and loses all damage bonuses. Discard this condition during the regroup phase. To play, spot an Elf. Plays to your support area.<br>Each Uruk-hai is strength -2 and loses all <keyword>damage</keyword> bonuses. <br>Discard this condition during the regroup phase. To play, spot an Elf. Plays to your support area. Each Uruk-hai is strength -2 and loses all '''damage''' bonuses. Discard this condition during the regroup phase. “‘...he has been doing something to them.... For these Isengarders are more like wicked Men.'”
Data:A Blended Race (2U16)/Data (edit) LOTR-ES02F016.0 LOTR-EN02S016.0 F 0 LOTR-ES02F016.0_card.jpg
ES Yes Yes 2U16 No None None None
Data:A Blended Race (2U16)/Data (edit) LOTR-ES02S016.0 LOTR-EN02S016.0 S 0
ES No Una raza mezclada None None None Para jugarla, avista un Elfo. Cada Uruk-hai es fuerza -2 y pierde todos sus bonos de daño. Descarta esta condición durante la fase de reagrupación. Para jugarla, avista un Elfo. Cada Uruk-hai es fuerza -2 y pierde todos sus bonos de daño. Descarta esta condición durante la fase de reagrupación. “...les ha estado haciendo algo... Porque estos habitantes de Isengard se parecen más a Hombres perversos.”
Data:A Blended Race (2U16)/Data (edit) LOTR-FR02F016.0 LOTR-EN02S016.0 F 0 LOTR-FR02F016.0_card.jpg
FR Yes Yes 2U16 No None None None
Data:A Blended Race (2U16)/Data (edit) LOTR-FR02S016.0 LOTR-EN02S016.0 S 0
FR No Une Race Métissée None None None Pour jouer, désignez un Elfe. Chaque Ourouk-Haï a -2 en force et perd tous ses bonus de dégâts. Défaussez cette situation pendant la phase de ralliement. Pour jouer, désignez un Elfe. Chaque Ourouk-Haï a -2 en force et perd tous ses bonus de dégâts. Défaussez cette situation pendant la phase de ralliement. « “ leur a fait quelque chose... Car ces Isengardiens ressemblent davantage à de mauvais Hommes.” »
Data:A Blended Race (2U16)/Data (edit) LOTR-IT02F016.0 LOTR-EN02S016.0 F 0 LOTR-IT02F016.0_card.jpg
IT Yes Yes 2U16 No None None None
Data:A Blended Race (2U16)/Data (edit) LOTR-IT02S016.0 LOTR-EN02S016.0 S 0
IT No Una Razza Incrociata None None None Per giocarla, avvista un Elfo. Sottrai -2 alla forza di ogni Uruk-hai. Gli Uruk-hai perdono tutti i bonus ai danni. Scarta questa condizione durante la fase di raccolta. Per giocarla, avvista un Elfo. Sottrai -2 alla forza di ogni Uruk-hai. Gli Uruk-hai perdono tutti i bonus ai danni. Scarta questa condizione durante la fase di raccolta. “‘...sta facendo loro qualcosa... questi Isengardiani sembrano piuttosto Uomini malvagi.'”
Data:A Blended Race (2U16)/Data (edit) LOTR-PL02F016.0 LOTR-EN02S016.0 F 0 LOTR-PL02F016.0_card.jpg
PL Yes Yes 2U16 No None None None
Data:A Blended Race (2U16)/Data (edit) LOTR-PL02S016.0 LOTR-EN02S016.0 S 0
PL No None None None
Data:A Clamour of Many Voices (12U3)/Data (edit) LOTR-DE12S003.0 LOTR-EN12S003.0 S 0 LOTR-DE12S003.0_card.jpg
DE No Ein Geschrei vieler Stimmen None None None Du darfst jedes Mal, wenn ein Zwerg einen Kampf gewinnt, in dem du ein <symbol>dwarven</symbol> Ereignis gespielt hast, eine Karte ziehen.? Du darfst jedes Mal, wenn ein Zwerg einen Kampf gewinnt, in dem du ein [[Image:Culture_Dwarven.svg|x20px|text-bottom|link=Dwarven_Culture|class=whitebg]] Ereignis gespielt hast, eine Karte ziehen.? ... die seltsame Neuigkeiten in der Morgendämmerung ausriefen.
Data:A Clamour of Many Voices (12U3)/Data (edit) LOTR-EN12S003.0 LOTR-EN12S003.0 S 0
EN Yes Yes No A Clamour of Many Voices Support Area 2 None None None Each time a Dwarf wins a skirmish in which you played a [DWARVEN] event, you may draw a card. Each time a Dwarf wins a skirmish in which you played a <symbol>dwarven</symbol> event, you may draw a card. Each time a Dwarf wins a skirmish in which you played a [[Image:Culture_Dwarven.svg|x20px|text-bottom|link=Dwarven_Culture|class=whitebg]] event, you may draw a card. “...crying strange news in the dawn.”
Data:A Clamour of Many Voices (12U3)/Data (edit) LOTR-FR12S003.0 LOTR-EN12S003.0 S 0 LOTR-FR12S003.0_card.jpg
FR No None None None
Data:A Clamour of Many Voices (12U3)/Data (edit) LOTR-IT12S003.0 LOTR-EN12S003.0 S 0 LOTR-IT12S003.0_card.jpg
IT No None None None
Data:A Dark Shape Sprang (10R19)/Data (edit) LOTR-DE10F019.0 LOTR-EN10S019.0 F 0 LOTR-DE10F019.0_card.jpg
DE Yes Yes 10R19 No None None None
Data:A Dark Shape Sprang (10R19)/Data (edit) LOTR-DE10S019.0 LOTR-EN10S019.0 S 0 LOTR-DE10S019.0_card.jpg
DE No Ein dunkler Schatten sprang None None None Spiele Gollum mit um 2 reduzierten Kosten aus deiner Hand oder deinem Ablagestapel, wenn ein Gegenspieler eine Ausrüstung auf einen Gefährten spielt, um die laufende Phase zu unterbrechen. Beginne eine Kampfphase zwischen Gollum und diesem Gefährten. Fahre mit der unterbrochenen Phase fort, wenn der Kampf beendet ist. Spiele Gollum mit um 2 reduzierten Kosten aus deiner Hand oder deinem Ablagestapel, wenn ein Gegenspieler eine Ausrüstung auf einen Gefährten spielt, um die laufende Phase zu unterbrechen. Beginne eine Kampfphase zwischen Gollum und diesem Gefährten. Fahre mit der unterbrochenen Phase fort, wenn der Kampf beendet ist.
Data:A Dark Shape Sprang (10R19)/Data (edit) LOTR-EN10F019.0 LOTR-EN10S019.0 F 0
EN Yes Yes 10R19 No None None None
Data:A Dark Shape Sprang (10R19)/Data (edit) LOTR-EN10S019.0 LOTR-EN10S019.0 S 0
EN Yes Yes No A Dark Shape Sprang Response 0 None None None If an opponent plays a possession on a companion, play Gollum at twilight cost -2 from your discard pile or hand to suspend the current phase. Begin a skirmish phase involving Gollum and that companion. When it ends, resume the suspended phase. If an opponent plays a possession on a companion, play Gollum at twilight cost –2 from your discard pile or hand to suspend the current phase. Begin a skirmish phase involving Gollum and that companion. When it ends, resume the suspended phase. If an opponent plays a possession on a companion, play Gollum at twilight cost –2 from your discard pile or hand to suspend the current phase. Begin a skirmish phase involving Gollum and that companion. When it ends, resume the suspended phase. “Something struck Sam violently in the back....”
Data:A Dark Shape Sprang (10R19)/Data (edit) LOTR-FR10F019.0 LOTR-EN10S019.0 F 0 LOTR-FR10F019.0_card.jpg
FR Yes Yes 10R19 No None None None
Data:A Dark Shape Sprang (10R19)/Data (edit) LOTR-FR10S019.0 LOTR-EN10S019.0 S 0 LOTR-FR10S019.0_card.jpg
FR No None None None
Data:A Dark Shape Sprang (10R19)/Data (edit) LOTR-IT10F019.0 LOTR-EN10S019.0 F 0 LOTR-IT10F019.0_card.jpg
IT Yes Yes 10R19 No None None None
Data:A Dark Shape Sprang (10R19)/Data (edit) LOTR-IT10S019.0 LOTR-EN10S019.0 S 0 LOTR-IT10S019.0_card.jpg
IT No None None None
Data:A Defiled Charge (17R67)/Data (edit) LOTR-EN17S067.0 LOTR-EN17S067.0 S 0
EN Yes Yes No A Defiled Charge Support Area 2 None None None To play, exert your mounted [ORC] Orc. Each time the Free Peoples player assigns a mounted [ORC] Orc to a companion, he or she must choose to either exert that companion or add (2). To play, exert your mounted <symbol>orc</symbol> Orc.<br>Each time the Free Peoples player assigns a mounted <symbol>orc</symbol> Orc to a companion, he or she must choose to either exert that companion or add <symbol>twilight2</symbol>. To play, exert your mounted [[Image:Culture_Orc.svg|x26px|bottom|link=Orc_Culture|class=whitebg]] Orc. Each time the Free Peoples player assigns a mounted [[Image:Culture_Orc.svg|x26px|bottom|link=Orc_Culture|class=whitebg]] Orc to a companion, he or she must choose to either exert that companion or add [[Image:Twilight_2.svg|x20px|text-bottom|link=Twilight Cost|class=whitebg]]. "The wolf snarled and sprang towards them with a great leap."
Data:A Dragon's Tale (18C106)/Data (edit) LOTR-EN18S106.0 LOTR-EN18S106.0 S 0
EN Yes Yes No A Dragon's Tale Support Area 1 None None None Tale. To play, spot a Hobbit. Maneuver: Discard a tale from play to choose a Shadow player who must exert one of his or her minions. <keyword>Tale.</keyword> To play, spot a Hobbit.<br><keyword>Maneuver:</keyword> Discard a tale from play to choose a Shadow player who must exert one of his or her minions. '''Tale.''' To play, spot a Hobbit. '''Maneuver:''' Discard a tale from play to choose a Shadow player who must exert one of his or her minions. "If you're referring to the incident with the dragon, I was barely involved. All I did was give your uncle a little nudge out of the door."
Data:A Fell Voice on the Air (3R52)/Data (edit) LOTR-DE03F052.0 LOTR-EN03S052.0 F 0 LOTR-DE03F052.0_card.jpg
DE Yes Yes 3R52 No None None None
Data:A Fell Voice on the Air (3R52)/Data (edit) LOTR-DE03S052.0 LOTR-EN03S052.0 S 0
DE No Grausame Stimmen in der Luft None None None Spiele diese Karte in deinen Unterstützungs-bereich. <keyword>Schatten:</keyword> Strenge Saruman an, um einen <symbol>isengard</symbol> Wettereffekt aus deinem Ablagestapel zu spielen. Die Zwielichtkosten reduzieren sich um 2. Spiele diese Karte in deinen Unterstützungs-bereich. '''Schatten:''' Strenge Saruman an, um einen [[Image:Culture_Isengard.svg|x22px|text-bottom|link=Isengard_Culture|class=whitebg]] Wettereffekt aus deinem Ablagestapel zu spielen. Die Zwielichtkosten reduzieren sich um 2. "Er versucht, den Berg zum Einsturz zu bringen!“
Data:A Fell Voice on the Air (3R52)/Data (edit) LOTR-EN03F052.0 LOTR-EN03S052.0 F 0
EN Yes Yes 3R52 No None None None
Data:A Fell Voice on the Air (3R52)/Data (edit) LOTR-EN03S052.0 LOTR-EN03S052.0 S 0
EN Yes Yes No A Fell Voice on the Air 1 None None None Plays to your support area. Shadow: Exert Saruman to play an [ISENGARD] weather condition from your discard pile. Its twilight cost is -2. <br><keyword>Shadow:</keyword> Exert Saruman to play an <symbol>isengard</symbol> weather condition from your discard pile. Its twilight cost is -2. '''Shadow:''' Exert Saruman to play an [[Image:Culture_Isengard.svg|x22px|text-bottom|link=Isengard_Culture|class=whitebg]] weather condition from your discard pile. Its twilight cost is -2. “‘He's trying to bring down the mountain!'”
Data:A Fell Voice on the Air (3R52)/Data (edit) LOTR-ES03F052.0 LOTR-EN03S052.0 F 0 LOTR-ES03F052.0_card.jpg
ES Yes Yes 3R52 No None None None
Data:A Fell Voice on the Air (3R52)/Data (edit) LOTR-ES03S052.0 LOTR-EN03S052.0 S 0
ES No Una voz cruel en el aire None None None <keyword>Sombra:</keyword> Esfuerza a Saruman para jugar una condición de clima <symbol>isengard</symbol> de tu pila de descartes. Su coste de penumbra es -2. '''Sombra:''' Esfuerza a Saruman para jugar una condición de clima [[Image:Culture_Isengard.svg|x22px|text-bottom|link=Isengard_Culture|class=whitebg]] de tu pila de descartes. Su coste de penumbra es -2. “¡Está intentando derrumbar la montaña!”
Data:A Fell Voice on the Air (3R52)/Data (edit) LOTR-FR03F052.0 LOTR-EN03S052.0 F 0 LOTR-FR03F052.0_card.jpg
FR Yes Yes 3R52 No None None None
Data:A Fell Voice on the Air (3R52)/Data (edit) LOTR-FR03S052.0 LOTR-EN03S052.0 S 0
FR No Une Vile Voix Dans l'Air None None None Ombre : Affaiblissez Saroumane pour jouer une situation de climat <symbol>isengard</symbol> de votre pile de défausse. Son coût crépusculaire est de -2. Ombre : Affaiblissez Saroumane pour jouer une situation de climat [[Image:Culture_Isengard.svg|x22px|text-bottom|link=Isengard_Culture|class=whitebg]] de votre pile de défausse. Son coût crépusculaire est de -2. « “Il essaie de faire tomber la montagne!” »
Data:A Fell Voice on the Air (3R52)/Data (edit) LOTR-IT03F052.0 LOTR-EN03S052.0 F 0 LOTR-IT03F052.0_card.jpg
IT Yes Yes 3R52 No None None None
Data:A Fell Voice on the Air (3R52)/Data (edit) LOTR-IT03S052.0 LOTR-EN03S052.0 S 0
IT No Una Voce Funesta nell'Aria None None None <keyword>Ombra:</keyword> Sforza Saruman per giocare una condizione atmosferica <symbol>isengard</symbol> dalla tua pila degli scarti. Sottrai -2 al suo costo <keyword>Crepuscolo.</keyword> '''Ombra:''' Sforza Saruman per giocare una condizione atmosferica [[Image:Culture_Isengard.svg|x22px|text-bottom|link=Isengard_Culture|class=whitebg]] dalla tua pila degli scarti. Sottrai -2 al suo costo '''Crepuscolo.''' “‘Sta cercando di far crollare la montagna!'”
Data:A Fell Voice on the Air (3R52)/Data (edit) LOTR-PL03F052.0 LOTR-EN03S052.0 F 0 LOTR-PL03F052.0_card.jpg
PL Yes Yes 3R52 No None None None
Data:A Fell Voice on the Air (3R52)/Data (edit) LOTR-PL03S052.0 LOTR-EN03S052.0 S 0
PL No None None None
Data:A Fool (8C14)/Data (edit) LOTR-DE08F014.0 LOTR-EN08S014.0 F 0 LOTR-DE08F014.0_card.jpg
DE Yes Yes 8C14 No None None None
Data:A Fool (8C14)/Data (edit) LOTR-DE08S014.0 LOTR-EN08S014.0 S 0 LOTR-DE08S014.0_card.jpg
DE No Ein Narr None None None Heile Gandalf, wenn sich deine Gemeinschaft an Ort 1iii bis 5iii befindet. An allen anderen Orten kann ein Hobbit nur mit dreifacher Stärke überwältigt werden. Heile Gandalf, wenn sich deine Gemeinschaft an Ort 1iii bis 5iii befindet. An allen anderen Orten kann ein Hobbit nur mit dreifacher Stärke überwältigt werden. "... aber ein ehrlicher Narr bleibt er."
Data:A Fool (8C14)/Data (edit) LOTR-EN08F014.0 LOTR-EN08S014.0 F 0
EN Yes Yes 8C14 No None None None
Data:A Fool (8C14)/Data (edit) LOTR-EN08S014.0 LOTR-EN08S014.0 S 0
EN Yes Yes No A Fool Skirmish 3 None None None At sites 1K to 5K, heal Gandalf. At any other site, prevent a Hobbit from being overwhelmed unless his or her strength is tripled. At sites 1<symbol>king</symbol> to 5<symbol>king</symbol>, heal Gandalf. At any other site, prevent a Hobbit from being overwhelmed unless his or her strength is tripled. At sites 1[[Image:King_block.svg|x24px|text-bottom|link=Sites#Block_Symbols|class=whitebg]] to 5[[Image:King_block.svg|x24px|text-bottom|link=Sites#Block_Symbols|class=whitebg]], heal Gandalf. At any other site, prevent a Hobbit from being overwhelmed unless his or her strength is tripled. “‘...but an honest fool he remains.'”
Data:A Fool (8C14)/Data (edit) LOTR-FR08F014.0 LOTR-EN08S014.0 F 0 LOTR-FR08F014.0_card.jpg
FR Yes Yes 8C14 No None None None
Data:A Fool (8C14)/Data (edit) LOTR-FR08S014.0 LOTR-EN08S014.0 S 0 LOTR-FR08S014.0_card.jpg
FR No None None None
Data:A Fool (8C14)/Data (edit) LOTR-IT08F014.0 LOTR-EN08S014.0 F 0 LOTR-IT08F014.0_card.jpg
IT Yes Yes 8C14 No None None None
Data:A Fool (8C14)/Data (edit) LOTR-IT08S014.0 LOTR-EN08S014.0 S 0 LOTR-IT08S014.0_card.jpg
IT No None None None
Data:A Grey Ship (8U9)/Data (edit) LOTR-DE08F009.0 LOTR-EN08S009.0 F 0 LOTR-DE08F009.0_card.jpg
DE Yes Yes 8U9 No None None None
Data:A Grey Ship (8U9)/Data (edit) LOTR-DE08S009.0 LOTR-EN08S009.0 S 0 LOTR-DE08S009.0_card.jpg
DE No Ein graues Schiff None None None Entdecke einen Elbengefährten und reduziere den Fernkampfwert der Gemeinschaft um X (bis zu einem Minimum von 0), um X nicht-verbundene Gefährten zu heilen. Du kannst keine speziellen Fernkampffähigkeiten einsetzen. Entdecke einen Elbengefährten und reduziere den Fernkampfwert der Gemeinschaft um X (bis zu einem Minimum von 0), um X nicht-verbundene Gefährten zu heilen. Du kannst keine speziellen Fernkampffähigkeiten einsetzen. "... voller Gespenster."
Data:A Grey Ship (8U9)/Data (edit) LOTR-EN08F009.0 LOTR-EN08S009.0 F 0
EN Yes Yes 8U9 No None None None
Data:A Grey Ship (8U9)/Data (edit) LOTR-EN08S009.0 LOTR-EN08S009.0 S 0
EN Yes Yes No A Grey Ship Archery 2 None None None Spot an Elf companion and make the fellowship archery total -X (to a minimum of 0) to heal X unbound companions. You cannot use archery special abilities. Spot an Elf companion and make the fellowship archery total –X (to a minimum of 0) to heal X unbound companions. You may not use archery special abilities. Spot an Elf companion and make the fellowship archery total –X (to a minimum of 0) to heal X unbound companions. You may not use archery special abilities. “‘...full of ghosts.'”
Data:A Grey Ship (8U9)/Data (edit) LOTR-FR08F009.0 LOTR-EN08S009.0 F 0 LOTR-FR08F009.0_card.jpg
FR Yes Yes 8U9 No None None None
Data:A Grey Ship (8U9)/Data (edit) LOTR-FR08S009.0 LOTR-EN08S009.0 S 0 LOTR-FR08S009.0_card.jpg
FR No None None None
Data:A Grey Ship (8U9)/Data (edit) LOTR-IT08F009.0 LOTR-EN08S009.0 F 0 LOTR-IT08F009.0_card.jpg
IT Yes Yes 8U9 No None None None
Data:A Grey Ship (8U9)/Data (edit) LOTR-IT08S009.0 LOTR-EN08S009.0 S 0 LOTR-IT08S009.0_card.jpg
IT No None None None
Data:A Host Avails Little (1U251)/Data (edit) LOTR-DE01F251.0 LOTR-EN01S251.0 F 0 LOTR-DE01F251.0_card.jpg
DE Yes Yes 1U251 No None None None
Data:A Host Avails Little (1U251)/Data (edit) LOTR-DE01S251.0 LOTR-EN01S251.0 S 0
DE No Ein Heer würde mir auch nichts nützen None None None <keyword>Suche.</keyword> <keyword>Manöver:</keyword> Entdecke einen <symbol>sauron</symbol> Ork und 6 Gefährten, um einen Gefährten (ausser dem Ringträger) zu verwunden. Mache dies einmal für jeden Gefährten über 5. '''Suche.''' '''Manöver:''' Entdecke einen [[Image:Culture_Sauron.svg|x14px|sub|link=Sauron_Culture|class=whitebg]] Ork und 6 Gefährten, um einen Gefährten (ausser dem Ringträger) zu verwunden. Mache dies einmal für jeden Gefährten über 5. "Hätte ich eine bewaffnete Streitmacht der Elben wie in der Altvorderenzeit, so würde sie wenig nutzen...“
Data:A Host Avails Little (1U251)/Data (edit) LOTR-EN01F251.0 LOTR-EN01S251.0 F 0
EN Yes Yes 1U251 No None None None
Data:A Host Avails Little (1U251)/Data (edit) LOTR-EN01S251.0 LOTR-EN01S251.0 S 0
EN Yes Yes No A Host Avails Little 3 None None None Search. Maneuver: Spot a [SAURON] Orc and 6 companions to wound a companion (except the Ring-bearer). Do this once for each companion over 5. <keyword>Search.</keyword> <br><keyword>Maneuver:</keyword> Spot a <symbol>sauron</symbol> Orc and 6 companions to wound a companion (except the Ring-bearer). Do this once for each companion over 5. '''Search.''' '''Maneuver:''' Spot a [[Image:Culture_Sauron.svg|x14px|sub|link=Sauron_Culture|class=whitebg]] Orc and 6 companions to wound a companion (except the Ring-bearer). Do this once for each companion over 5. “‘Had I a host of Elves in armour of the Elder Days, it would avail little....'”
Data:A Host Avails Little (1U251)/Data (edit) LOTR-ES01F251.0 LOTR-EN01S251.0 F 0 LOTR-ES01F251.0_card.jpg
ES Yes Yes 1U251 No None None None
Data:A Host Avails Little (1U251)/Data (edit) LOTR-ES01S251.0 LOTR-EN01S251.0 S 0
ES No Una Hueste Nos Serviría de Poco None None None <keyword>Búsqueda.</keyword> <keyword>Maniobra:</keyword> Avista un Orco <symbol>sauron</symbol> y 6 compañeros para herir un compañero (excepto el Portador del Anillo). Haz esto una vez por cada compañero por encima de 5. '''Búsqueda.''' '''Maniobra:''' Avista un Orco [[Image:Culture_Sauron.svg|x14px|sub|link=Sauron_Culture|class=whitebg]] y 6 compañeros para herir un compañero (excepto el Portador del Anillo). Haz esto una vez por cada compañero por encima de 5. “Aunque contáramos con una hueste de Elfos con armas de los Días Antiguos, solo conseguiríamos despertar el poder de Mordor.”
Data:A Host Avails Little (1U251)/Data (edit) LOTR-FR01F251.0 LOTR-EN01S251.0 F 0 LOTR-FR01F251.0_card.jpg
FR Yes Yes 1U251 No None None None
Data:A Host Avails Little (1U251)/Data (edit) LOTR-FR01S251.0 LOTR-EN01S251.0 S 0
FR No Une Phalange Accomplit Peu None None None <keyword>Recherche.</keyword><br><keyword>Manœuvre :</keyword> Désignez un Orque <symbol>sauron</symbol> et 6 compagnons pour blesser un compagnon (excepté le Porteur de l’Anneau). Faites-le une fois pour chaque compagnon au delà de 5. '''Recherche.''' '''Manœuvre :''' Désignez un Orque [[Image:Culture_Sauron.svg|x14px|sub|link=Sauron_Culture|class=whitebg]] et 6 compagnons pour blesser un compagnon (excepté le Porteur de l’Anneau). Faites-le une fois pour chaque compagnon au delà de 5. “‘Eussé-je une phalange d'Elfes en armes des Anciens Jours que cela servirait seulement à éveiller la puissance du Mordor.'”
Data:A Host Avails Little (1U251)/Data (edit) LOTR-IT01F251.0 LOTR-EN01S251.0 F 0 LOTR-IT01F251.0_card.jpg
IT Yes Yes 1U251 No None None None
Data:A Host Avails Little (1U251)/Data (edit) LOTR-IT01S251.0 LOTR-EN01S251.0 S 0
IT No Un Esercito Serve a Poco None None None <keyword>Ricerca.</keyword><br><keyword>Manovra:</keyword> Avvista un Orco <symbol>sauron</symbol> e 6 compagni per ferire un compagno (eccetto il Portatore dell’Anello). Fai questo una volta per ogni compagno oltre il quinto. '''Ricerca.''' '''Manovra:''' Avvista un Orco [[Image:Culture_Sauron.svg|x14px|sub|link=Sauron_Culture|class=whitebg]] e 6 compagni per ferire un compagno (eccetto il Portatore dell’Anello). Fai questo una volta per ogni compagno oltre il quinto. “‘Anche se disponessi ancora di una schiera di Elfi muniti di armatura come nei Tempi Remoti, potrebbe fare ben poco.'”
Data:A Host Avails Little (1U251)/Data (edit) LOTR-PL01F251.0 LOTR-EN01S251.0 F 0 LOTR-PL01F251.0_card.jpg
PL Yes Yes 1U251 No None None None
Data:A Host Avails Little (1U251)/Data (edit) LOTR-PL01S251.0 LOTR-EN01S251.0 S 0
PL No None None None
Data:A Host Avails Little (1U251)/Data (edit) LOTR-PT01F251.0 LOTR-EN01S251.0 F 0 LOTR-PT01F251.0_card.jpg
PT Yes Yes 1U251 No None None None
Data:A Host Avails Little (1U251)/Data (edit) LOTR-PT01S251.0 LOTR-EN01S251.0 S 0
PT No None None None
Data:A Host Avails Little (1U251)/Data (edit) LOTR-ZH01F251.0 LOTR-EN01S251.0 F 0 LOTR-ZH01F251.0_card.jpg
ZH Yes Yes 1U251 No None None None
Data:A Host Avails Little (1U251)/Data (edit) LOTR-ZH01S251.0 LOTR-EN01S251.0 S 0
ZH No None None None
Data:A Light in His Mind (10U108)/Data (edit) LOTR-DE10F108.0 LOTR-EN10S108.0 F 0 LOTR-DE10F108.0_card.jpg
DE Yes Yes 10U108 No None None None
Data:A Light in His Mind (10U108)/Data (edit) LOTR-DE10S108.0 LOTR-EN10S108.0 S 0 LOTR-DE10S108.0_card.jpg
DE No Ein Licht in seinem Geist None None None Jedes Mal, wenn du die Initiative verlierst, darfst du 2 <symbol>shire</symbol> Gefährten entdecken, um eine Lastmarke zu entfernen. Jedes Mal, wenn du die Initiative verlierst, darfst du 2 [[Image:Culture_Shire.svg|x20px|text-bottom|link=Shire_Culture|class=whitebg]] Gefährten entdecken, um eine Lastmarke zu entfernen. Weit entfernt, wie auf einem kleinen Bild, das Elbenfinger gezeichnet hatten, sah er Frau Galadriel auf dem Gras in Lórien stehen, und Geschenke waren in ihrer Hand.
Data:A Light in His Mind (10U108)/Data (edit) LOTR-EN10F108.0 LOTR-EN10S108.0 F 0
EN Yes Yes 10U108 No None None None
Data:A Light in His Mind (10U108)/Data (edit) LOTR-EN10S108.0 LOTR-EN10S108.0 S 0
EN Yes Yes Yes A Light in His Mind Support Area 0 None None None Each time you lose initiative, you may spot 2 [SHIRE] companions to remove a burden. Each time you lose initiative, you may spot 2 <symbol>shire</symbol> companions to remove a burden. Each time you lose initiative, you may spot 2 [[Image:Culture_Shire.svg|x20px|text-bottom|link=Shire_Culture|class=whitebg]] companions to remove a burden. “Far off, as in a little picture drawn by elven-fingers, he saw the Lady Galadriel standing on the grass in Lórien, and gifts were in her hands.”
Data:A Light in His Mind (10U108)/Data (edit) LOTR-FR10F108.0 LOTR-EN10S108.0 F 0 LOTR-FR10F108.0_card.jpg
FR Yes Yes 10U108 No None None None
Data:A Light in His Mind (10U108)/Data (edit) LOTR-FR10S108.0 LOTR-EN10S108.0 S 0 LOTR-FR10S108.0_card.jpg
FR No None None None
Data:A Light in His Mind (10U108)/Data (edit) LOTR-IT10F108.0 LOTR-EN10S108.0 F 0 LOTR-IT10F108.0_card.jpg
IT Yes Yes 10U108 No None None None
Data:A Light in His Mind (10U108)/Data (edit) LOTR-IT10S108.0 LOTR-EN10S108.0 S 0 LOTR-IT10S108.0_card.jpg
IT No None None None
Data:A Marvel (10C110)/Data (edit) LOTR-DE10F110.0 LOTR-EN10S110.0 F 0 LOTR-DE10F110.0_card.jpg
DE Yes Yes 10C110 No None None None
Data:A Marvel (10C110)/Data (edit) LOTR-DE10S110.0 LOTR-EN10S110.0 S 0 LOTR-DE10S110.0_card.jpg
DE No Ein Wunder None None None Strenge einen Hobbit an, um einem anderen Hobbit Stärke +3 zu geben. Strenge einen Hobbit an, um einem anderen Hobbit Stärke +3 zu geben. Heulend vor Schmerz und Angst, aber verzweifelt, ging der Ork mit gesenktem Kopf auf ihn los.
Data:A Marvel (10C110)/Data (edit) LOTR-EN10F110.0 LOTR-EN10S110.0 F 0
EN Yes Yes 10C110 No None None None
Data:A Marvel (10C110)/Data (edit) LOTR-EN10S110.0 LOTR-EN10S110.0 S 0
EN Yes Yes No A Marvel Skirmish 1 None None None Exert a Hobbit to make another Hobbit strength +3. Exert a Hobbit to make another Hobbit strength +3. Exert a Hobbit to make another Hobbit strength +3. “Howling with pain and fear but desperate the orc charged head-down at him.”
Data:A Marvel (10C110)/Data (edit) LOTR-FR10F110.0 LOTR-EN10S110.0 F 0 LOTR-FR10F110.0_card.jpg
FR Yes Yes 10C110 No None None None
Data:A Marvel (10C110)/Data (edit) LOTR-FR10S110.0 LOTR-EN10S110.0 S 0 LOTR-FR10S110.0_card.jpg
FR No None None None
Data:A Marvel (10C110)/Data (edit) LOTR-IT10F110.0 LOTR-EN10S110.0 F 0 LOTR-IT10F110.0_card.jpg
IT Yes Yes 10C110 No None None None
Data:A Marvel (10C110)/Data (edit) LOTR-IT10S110.0 LOTR-EN10S110.0 S 0 LOTR-IT10S110.0_card.jpg
IT No None None None
Data:A New Light (17U15)/Data (edit) LOTR-EN17E015.2 LOTR-EN17S015.0 S 2 2023-01-11

A New Light is just flat out too strong, replacing whatever your opponent's most powerful minion is with whatever the weakest minion in his discard pile is (not to mention the intel of revealing their entire hand). The ability has been nerfed to return 2 minions to their hand, which at least has a chance of being a better trade.

EN No No None Spell.Spot a [gandalf] Wizard to search a Shadow player's discard pile and choose 2 minions, then return those minions to their owner's hand. If you do, reveal that hand and discard a revealed minion. <b>Spell.</b><br>Spot a <symbol>gandalf</symbol> Wizard to search a Shadow player's discard pile and choose 2 minions, then return those minions to their owner's hand. If you do, reveal that hand and discard a revealed minion. '''Spell.''' Spot a [[Image:Culture_Gandalf.svg|x22px|text-bottom|link=Gandalf_Culture|class=whitebg]] Wizard to search a Shadow player's discard pile and choose 2 minions, then return those minions to their owner's hand. If you do, reveal that hand and discard a revealed minion.
Data:A New Light (17U15)/Data (edit) LOTR-EN17S015.0 LOTR-EN17S015.0 S 0
EN Yes Yes No A New Light Fellowship 1 None None None Spell. Spot a [GANDALF] Wizard to return a minion to its owner's hand from its owner's discard pile. Reveal that Shadow player's hand and discard a minion from his or her hand. <keyword>Spell.</keyword><br>Spot a <symbol>gandalf</symbol> Wizard to return a minion to its owner's hand from its owner's discard pile. Reveal that Shadow player's hand and discard a minion from his or her hand. '''Spell.''' Spot a [[Image:Culture_Gandalf.svg|x22px|text-bottom|link=Gandalf_Culture|class=whitebg]] Wizard to return a minion to its owner's hand from its owner's discard pile. Reveal that Shadow player's hand and discard a minion from his or her hand. "'I once knew every spell in all the tongues of Men or Elves or Orcs...'"
