Nazgul Sword (1U218) is a
Ringwraith Possession from the Fellowship of the Ring set.
DE - German
Card Name
Nazgûl Schwert
Game Text
Muss auf einen Nazgûl gespielt werden. Solange du 3 Lastmarken entdecken kannst, erhält der Träger Schaden +1.
Die Waffen der Neun werden von unsichtbaren Händen geführt, die von Saurons Hass gelenkt werden.
ES - Spanish
Card Name
Espada Nazgûl
Game Text
El portador debe ser un Nazgûl. Mientras puedas avistar 3 cargas, el portador es Daño +1.
Las armas de los Nueve son llevadas por manos invisibles dispuestas por el odio de Sauron.
FR - French
Card Name
Épée Nazgûl
Game Text
Le détenteur doit être un Nazgûl. Tant que vous pouvez désigner 3 points-fardeau, le détenteur inflige des dégâts +1.
Les armes des Neuf sont maniées par des mains invisibles animées par la haine de Sauron.
IT - Italian
Card Name
Spada del Nazgûl
Game Text
Il possessore deve essere un Nazgûl. Finché puoi avvistare 3 segnalini fardello, il possessore ha Danno +1.
Le armi dei Nove sono maneggiate da mani invisibili al servizio dell'odio di Sauron.
PL - Polish
PT - Portuguese
ZH - Chinese
Technical Info
Wiki Base Card ID
4A 31 F4
A fairly standard Nazgul weapon which is occasionally seen in [Wraith] decks, Nazgul Sword can help weaker Ringwraiths such as Ulaire Lemenya or Ulaire Nelya to win their skirmishes. Its synergy with burdens works very well against decks with no burden removal, as it only takes one or two It Wants to Be Found and Eregion Hills to grant the Damage bonus, which can wreak havoc in the hands of a Fierce Nazgul. However, with the danger of an opponent having Sam, Son of Hamfast or any other burden removing cards, the possession can quickly be reduced to a mere strength booster once again. Since corruption decks generally aren't focused on winning skirmishes, and Nazgul beatdown decks don't really focus on burden adding, this weapon can be an example of a card that can dilute a deck too much, forcing it towards two different goals instead of focusing on one, specific strategy. One [wraith] card that can help with this is Drawn to its Power, which ties these two strategies together, and can have a devastating effect on Fellowships with 4 copies on the table.
In spite of Nazgul Sword's drawbacks, there are several Nazgul who can gain much benefit from this possession: Ulaire Toldea, Messenger of Morgul's ability to assign himself to companions (Spotting 4 burdens), is twice as nasty with the damage + 1 bonus from this sword, while Ulaire Nelya, Ringwraith in Twilight can potentially hit Damage + 2 when using this weapon. Finally, Ulaire Enquea, Thrall of the One has the ability to add burdens mid skirmish, potentially granting him the damage bonus even against burden removing Fellowships.
Strengths and Weaknesses[edit]
Strong Versus...[edit]
- Weak companions
- Low vitality companions
- Decks with no burden removal
Weak Versus...[edit]
- Low bidders
- Decks with dedicated burden removal or a splashed Sam, Son of Hamfast
- Stronger companions and support cards (Such as Aragorn with a Flaming Brand)