Lost to the Goblins (1R189)

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Lost to the Goblins (1R189) is a Moria Event from the Fellowship of the Ring set.

Collection Info
Title Lost to the Goblins
Unique No
Collectible Yes
Set 1 - The Fellowship of the Ring
Rarity R - Rare
Card Number 189
Language EN - English
Revision 0
Gameplay Info
Playable Yes
Culture Moria
Side Shadow
Card Type Event
Twilight Cost 0
Game Text Response: If the Ring-bearer exerts or takes a wound, discard a card from the top of your draw deck for each minion you spot. For each Shadow card discarded in this way, add a burden (limit 3 burdens).
Lore Dwarven graves stood open in plundered disarray.
DE - German
Card Name Verloren an die Goblins
Game Text Reaktion: Wenn sich der Ringträger anstrengt oder verwundet wird, lege für jeden Ork, den du entdeckst, die oberste Karte von deinem Spieldeck ab. Lege für jede so abgelegte Schattenkarte eine Lastmarke auf den Ringträger (maximal 3).
Lore Die Plünderung durch die Goblins liess die Zwergengräber in Unordnung zurück.
ES - Spanish
Card Name Perdido a Los Goblins
Game Text Respuesta: Si el Portador del Anillo se esfuerza o recibe una herida, descarta la carta superior de tu mazo de robar por cada siervo que puedas avistar. Por cada carta de Sombra descartada de este modo, añade una carga (limite 3 cargas).
Lore Tumbas Enanas se alzaban abiertas en un desordenado saqueo.
FR - French
Card Name Abandonné aux Gobelins
Game Text Réponse : Si le Porteur de l’Anneau est affaibli ou prend une blessure, défaussez une carte du dessus de votre pioche pour chaque séide que vous désignez. Pour chaque carte de l’Ombre défaussée de cette manière, ajoutez un point-fardeau (limite de 3 poi
Lore Des tombes Naines étaient ouvertes, pillées.
IT - Italian
Card Name In Mano ai Goblin
Game Text Risposta: Se il Portatore dell’Anello si sforza o subisce una ferita, scarta una carta dalla cima del tuo mazzo di gioco per ogni servitore che avvisti. Per ogni carta Ombra così scartata, aggiungi un segnalino fardello (ma non più di 3).
Lore Le tombe dei Nani erano rimaste aperte nel disordine del saccheggio.
PL - Polish
PT - Portuguese
ZH - Chinese

Technical Info
Wiki Base Card ID LOTR-EN01S189.0
GEMP ID 1_189
LOTRO Image ID 01_189


Lost to the Goblins is a card that takes skill to play. It is a card that fully takes advantage of the element of surprise. It is a card that is usually played as part of a so called bomb strategy; an instant combination of cards to decide the game in an instance. In the case of Lost to the Goblins the game is ended by piling up burdens on the opponent's Ringbearer. To use the card to it's full potential, the deck should be dedicated to do so. Both Fellowship and Shadow should help each other out. In general you need a deck that is able to filter; free peoples cards need to get out, shadow should remain in the deck since you need to reveal shadow cards from the top of your deck in order to make the deck work.

Strengths and Weaknesses[edit]

Strong Versus...[edit]

The best friends of Lost to the Goblins are unaware opponents and Alternative Ringbearers that are low on resistance.

Weak Versus...[edit]

Players who recognize the deck and know what to do about it. It is a card that is easily countered when you know what to do.
