Thundering Host (AI) (5R128)

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Rohirrim Helm (AI) (5R127)
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Thundering Host (AI) (5R128) is a Rohan Condition from the Battle of Helm's Deep set.

Collection Info
Title Thundering Host
Unique No
Collectible Yes
Notes Alternate image.
Set 5 - Battle of Helm's Deep
Rarity R - Rare
Card Number 128
Language EN - English
Revision 0
Gameplay Info
Playable Yes
Culture Rohan
Side Free Peoples
Card Type Condition
Twilight Cost 1
Game Text Plays to your support area.

Skirmish: Discard this condition to make a mounted Man strength +3 (and heal that Man if at a plains).

Lore The roar of hooves was enough to rout the Uruk-hai without sword or spear.
DE - German
Card Name Donnernde Hufe
Game Text Spiele diese Karte in deinen Unterstützungs-bereich. Kampf Lege diesen Effekt ab, um einem berittenen Menschen Stärke +3 zu geben (und ihn zu heilen, wenn er sich auf einer Ebene befindet).
Lore Allein der Donnerhall der Hufe reichte aus, um die Uruk-hai in die Flucht zu schlagen.
ES - Spanish
Card Name Hueste atronadora
Game Text Escaramuza: Descarta esta condición para dar a un Hombre con montura fuerza +3 (y curar ese Hombre si está en una llanura).
Lore El rugido de los cascos era suficiente para hacer huir los Uruk-hai sin lanza o espada.
FR - French
Card Name Armée Tonitruante
Game Text Combat : Défaussez cette situation pour donner +3 en force à un Homme qui détient une monture (et guérissez cette Homme s’il se trouve à une plaine).
Lore Le grondement des sabots suffisait à mettre les Ourouk-Haï en déroute, sans besoin de recourir ni à l'épée, ni à la lance.
IT - Italian
Card Name Schiera Rombante
Game Text Schermaglia: Scarta questa condizione per aggiungere +3 alla forza di un Uomo a cavallo (e curare quell’Uomo, se presso una pianura).
Lore Il rombo degli zoccoli era sufficiente a mandare in rotta gli Uruk-hai senza bisogno di spade o lance.

Technical Info
Wiki Base Card ID LOTR-EN05S128.0
GEMP ID 5_128
LOTRO Hex ID 60 BC C4 04
LOTRO Image ID 05_128

This card is an alternate image of Thundering Host. Please refer to that card for strategy and clarifications.

Alternate Versions[edit]

See Also[edit]

For the Battle of Helm's Deep and Ents of Fangorn releases, Decipher altered how the 3 rares in each starter deck were chosen. Instead of selecting random rares for each starter deck, they preselected three specific rare cards that actually fit the culture and strategy of the deck they were a part of, and gave the selected cards an alternate image. As a result, these rares aren't actually "rare", since every starter deck included them.