The Pale Blade (1R221)

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The Pale Blade (1R221) is a Ringwraith Possession from the Fellowship of the Ring set.

Collection Info
Title The Pale Blade
Unique Yes
Collectible Yes
Set 1 - The Fellowship of the Ring
Rarity R - Rare
Card Number 221
Language EN - English
Revision 0
Gameplay Info
Playable Yes
Culture Ringwraith
Side Shadow
Card Type Possession
Item Class Hand Weapon
Twilight Cost 2
Strength +3
Game Text Bearer must be The Witch-king.

He is damage +1. Response: If The Witch-king wins a skirmish, exert him to discard a Free Peoples condition.

Lore In his wretched grip, the Captain raised a Pale Sword.
DE - German
Card Name Die Bleiche Klinge
Game Text Muss auf den Hexenkönig gespielt werden. Er erhält Schaden +1.

Reaktion: Wenn der Hexenkönig einen Kampf gewinnt, strenge ihn an, um einen Effekt der Freien Völker abzulegen.

Lore In seiner elenden Hand erhob der Anführer ein bleiches Schwert.
ES - Spanish
Card Name La Espada Pálida
Game Text El portador debe ser El Rey Brujo. Él es daño +1. Respuesta: Si el Rey Brujo gana una escaramuza, esfuérzalo para descartar una condición de Gentes Libres.
Lore Con su penoso agarre, el Capitán levantó una Espada Pálida.
FR - French
Card Name L'Épée Blême
Game Text Le détenteur doit être le Roi-Sorcier. Il inflige des dégâts +1.

Réponse : Si le Roi-Sorcier remporte un combat, affaiblissez-le pour défausser une situation des Peuples Libres.

Lore Dans sa misérable poigne, le Capitaine tenait une Épée Blême.
IT - Italian
Card Name La Pallida Lama
Game Text Il possessore deve essere Il Re Stregone. Danno +1.

Risposta: Se Il Re Stregone vince una schermaglia, sforzalo per scartare una condizione dei Popoli Liberi.

Lore Con la sua miserabile stretta, il Capitano sollevò la Pallida Spada.
PL - Polish
PT - Portuguese
ZH - Chinese

Technical Info
Wiki Base Card ID LOTR-EN01S221.0
GEMP ID 1_221
LOTRO Hex ID 4D 31 F4
LOTRO Image ID 01_221


One of the most popular Ringwraith strategies is to get out strong, fierce minions that your opponent cannot beat, in an effort to try and stop them from moving twice. Part of this is putting out minions that threaten to do massive damage to your opponent's fellowship. The Pale Blade is just the sort of card that fits into this strategy.

The most obvious benefit of The Pale Blade is the +3 strength it gives to The Witch-King. An additional three strength is often the difference between a wound and an overwhelmed companion. When you get other Nazgûl out as well, The Witch-king, Lord of Angmar armed with The Pale Blade becomes almost unbeatable. Even if a companion can survive against the strength of The Witch-king, the damage bonus on The Pale Blade makes it hard for any companion to fight twice.

The most useful aspect of The Pale Blade, however, is its Special Ability. As a response you can exert The Witch-king to discard a Free Peoples Condition. This allows you to get rid of O Elbereth! Gilthoniel!, Trust Me As You Once Did, or even No Stranger to The Shadows. Since The Witch-king can normally exert three times to discard three conditions, this makes The Pale Blade about the best condition removal for the Nazgûl. >by Matt Clemans

Strengths and Weaknesses[edit]

Synergizes With...[edit]

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Strong Versus...[edit]

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Weak Versus...[edit]

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  • Put quotes from the CRDs and Comprehensive Rules here that reference this card specifically by name
  • Also put quotes if a particular rule commonly affects the outcome of a card in a subtle manner (such as quoting the Rule of 4 for Saved From the Fire (8R20) )
  • Link to rules discussions on TLHH

Alternate Versions[edit]

Portrait Name Game Text
The Pale Blade, Sword of Flame (11R214) Bearer must be a Nazgûl.

If bearer is The Witch-king, each time he wins a skirmish, you may exert him to add a burden. ​

See Also[edit]

  • Add links to the wayback machine (or wiki archival links) for official Decipher articles regarding the card
  • Link to decks that use this card