Bent on Discovery (1R206)

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Bent on Discovery (1R206) is a Ringwraith Condition from the Fellowship of the Ring set.

Collection Info
Title Bent on Discovery
Unique No
Collectible Yes
Set 1 - The Fellowship of the Ring
Rarity R - Rare
Card Number 206
Language EN - English
Revision 0
Gameplay Info
Playable Yes
Culture Ringwraith
Side Shadow
Card Type Condition
Twilight Cost 1
Game Text Search.

At the beginning of each of your Shadow phases, draw 1 card.

At the end of each of your Shadow phases, exert a Nazgûl or discard this condition.

Lore “The riding figure sat quite still.... From inside the hood came a noise as of someone sniffing....”
DE - German
Card Name Versessen auf Entdeckung
Game Text Suche. Zu Beginn jeder deiner Schattenphasen, ziehe 1 Karte. Am Ende jeder deiner Schattenphasen, strenge einen Nazgûl an oder lege diesen Effekt ab.
Lore Der Reiter saß ganz still...Unter der Kapuze hervor kam ein Geräusch, wie wenn jemand schnüffelt...
ES - Spanish
Card Name Empeñados en Descubrirlo
Game Text Búsqueda. Al principio de cada una de tus fases de Sombra, roba 1 carta. Al final de cada una de tus fases de Sombra, esfuerza un Nazgûl o descarta esta condición.
Lore “El jinete permaneció sentado... Del interior del capuchón vino un sonido, como si alguien olfateara...”
FR - French
Card Name Résolu à les Trouver
Game Text Recherche. Au début de chacune de vos phases de l’Ombre, piochez 1 carte. À la fin de chacune de vos phases de l’Ombre, affaiblissez un Nazgûl ou défaussez cette situation.
Lore “Le cavalier resta immobile.... De sous le capuchon vint le son de quelqu'un qui renifle pour saisir une odeur fugitive....”
IT - Italian
Card Name Intento a Cercare
Game Text Ricerca. Giocala nella tua area di supporto.

All’inizio di ogni tua fase, pesca 1 carta. Alla fine di ogni tua fase Ombra, sforza un Nazgûl o scarta questa condizione.

Lore “Il cavaliere rimase immobile... Dall'interno del cappuccio proveniva come un sibilo di uomo che annusasse...”
PL - Polish
PT - Portuguese
ZH - Chinese

Technical Info
Wiki Base Card ID LOTR-EN01S206.0
GEMP ID 1_206
LOTRO Hex ID 4E 30 F4
LOTRO Image ID 01_206


In a game where hand extension is a foremost priority, Bent on Discovery is a helpful condition that draws a card at the beginning of the Shadow phase. Being non-unique, four copies could, in theory, extend the Shadow player's hand by four cards each Shadow phase; however, Bent on Discovery comes with a downside. At the end of each Shadow phase the player must exert a Nazgul or discard the condition. Naturally, directed wounding is a powerful counter to the slightly maimed minions.

Bent on Discovery, like The Ring Draws Them, found new life with the Enduring keyword introduced in the Siege of Gondor expansion. With enduring Nazgul who gained strength for each wound (and could use those wounds to terrible effect) Bent on Discovery was an easy way to enter the maneuver phase with exertions on the Nazgul characters, essentially turning its weakness into an advantage. That said, Ithil Stone, released during the Reflections expansion, somewhat makes Bent on Discovery obsolete for a general purpose deck, although it has the disadvantage of being unique, unlike Bent on Discovery.

Strengths and Weaknesses[edit]

Strong Versus...[edit]

  • Hand extension
  • Has strong synergy with Enduring Nazgul

Weak Versus...[edit]

  • Directed Wounding, such as Legolas, Greenleaf or Aragorn's Bow
  • Condition discarding
  • The White Arrows of Lorien, and other discarding strategies
  • Is potentially self-discarding, and can disappear quickly if you draw badly or are playing against a choke deck