Goblin Scimitar (1C180)

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Goblin Scimitar (1C180) is a Moria Possession from the Fellowship of the Ring set.

Collection Info
Title Goblin Scimitar
Unique No
Collectible Yes
Set 1 - The Fellowship of the Ring
Rarity C - Common
Card Number 180
Language EN - English
Revision 0
Gameplay Info
Playable Yes
Culture Moria
Side Shadow
Card Type Possession
Item Class Hand Weapon
Twilight Cost 0
Strength +2
Game Text Bearer must be a Orc.

When you play this possession, you may draw a card.

Lore “Some of the swords were crooked: orc-scimitars with blackened blades.”
DE - German
Card Name Goblin Krummsäbel
Game Text Muss auf einen Ork gespielt werden. Wenn du diese Ausrüstung spielst, darfst du eine Karte ziehen.
Lore Einige der Schwerter waren gebogen: Ork-Krummsäbel mit geschwärzten Klingen.
ES - Spanish
Card Name Cimitarra Goblin
Game Text El portador debe ser un Orco . Cuando juegas esta posesión, puedes robar una carta.
Lore “Algunas de las espadas eran curvas: cimitarras de orcos con hojas negras.”
FR - French
Card Name Cimeterre Gobelin
Game Text Le détenteur doit être un Orque . Quand vous jouez cette possession, vous pouvez piocher une carte.
Lore “Certaines des épées étaient courbes: des cimeterres d'Orques aux lames noires.”
IT - Italian
Card Name Scimitarra Goblin
Game Text Il possessore deve essere un Orco . Quando giochi questo bene, puoi pescare una carta.
Lore “Alcune delle spade erano curve e ritorte: le scimitarre degli Orchi dalle lame annerite.”
PL - Polish
PT - Portuguese
ZH - Chinese

Technical Info
Wiki Base Card ID LOTR-EN01S180.0
GEMP ID 1_180
LOTRO Hex ID 44 2F F4
LOTRO Image ID 01_180


The cornerstone for Moria's swarm conditions (Goblin Armory & They Are Coming), Goblin Scimitar is a three-pronged assault. First, it extends the shadow player's hand, ensuring that the Shadow Player is able to use as much of the twilight pool as possible. Second, it triggers Goblin Armory to refill the twilight pool so that the cards drawn may be played. Finally, the extra strength from the weapon can be added to smaller minions, forcing the Ring-bearer to face a greater risk of being overwhelmed. It can be constantly replayed from discard with Goblin Scavengers or Relics of Moria, and They Are Coming can discard unnecessary cards drawn to play additional minions.

Strengths and Weaknesses[edit]

Strong Versus...[edit]

  • Fellowships which generate more twilight than the average 8 card hand is capable of using

Weak Versus...[edit]

  • Discard strategies (cycling through your own deck quickly is a help to them)
  • Mithril Coat and similar cards that ignore weapon strength bonuses, since [moria] Orcs are weak and this weapon is used frequently.

See Also[edit]


  • Any [Moria] swarm deck