Breeding Pit (1C122)

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Breeding Pit (1C122) is a Isengard Event from the Fellowship of the Ring set.

Collection Info
Title Breeding Pit
Unique No
Collectible Yes
Set 1 - The Fellowship of the Ring
Rarity C - Common
Card Number 122
Language EN - English
Revision 0
Gameplay Info
Playable Yes
Culture Isengard
Side Shadow
Card Type Event
Twilight Cost 1
Game Text Response: If you play an Uruk-hai, take all copies of that card in your discard pile and place them beneath your draw deck.
Lore “‘He is breeding an army in the Caverns of Isengard. An army that can move in sunlight and cover great distance at speed.'”
DE - German
Card Name Brutstätten
Game Text Reaktion: Wenn du einen Uruk-hai spielst, nimm alle Exemplare dieser Karte aus deinem Ablagestapel und lege sie unter dein Spieldeck.
Lore "Er züchtet eine Armee in den Verliesen Isengarts heran. Eine Armee, der die Sonne nichts anhaben kann und die große Entfernungen zurücklegt.“
ES - Spanish
Card Name Pozo de Crianza
Game Text Respuesta: Si juegas un Uruk-hai, coge todas las copias de esa carta de tu pila de descartes y ponlas bajo tu mazo de robar.
Lore “Él esta criando un ejército en las Cavernas de Isengard. Un ejercito que se puede mover a la luz del día y cubrir grandes distancias rápidamente.”
FR - French
Card Name Fosse d'Élevage
Game Text Réponse : Si vous jouez un Ourouk-Haï, prenez toutes les copies de cette carte dans votre pile de défausse et placez-les sous votre pioche.
Lore “‘Il élève une armée dans les Cavernes d'Isengard. Une armée qui peut se déplacer à la lumière du soleil et couvrir de grandes distances à grande vitesse.'”
IT - Italian
Card Name Pozzo Generatore
Game Text Risposta: Se giochi un Uruk-hai, prendi tutte le copie di quella carta dalla tua pila degli scarti e mettile sotto il tuo mazzo di gioco.
Lore “‘Sta generando un'armata nelle Caverne di Isengard. Un'armata che può muoversi alla luce del sole e coprire in marcia grandi distanze.'”
PL - Polish
PT - Portuguese
ZH - Chinese

Technical Info
Wiki Base Card ID LOTR-EN01S122.0
GEMP ID 1_122
LOTRO Image ID 01_122


!Breeding Pit can be used to recycle choice uruks so that they can be played more than four times. However, since it puts them on the bottom of the deck, it will be necessary to either go through the whole deck or shuffle the deck via The Bridge of Khazad-Dum; A Wizard is Never Late; Sam, Faithful Companion or other effect afterwards.

A deck can be built around Breeding Pit by filling up the Free Peoples side with cycling effects, using Breeding Pit to stack the bottom of the deck with uruks and then burning through the deck to unleash a large swarm at site 9. This works particularly well with Slopes of Amon Hen.

See Also[edit]
