The Choice of Luthien (1R100)

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The Choice of Luthien (1R100) is a Gondor Condition from the Fellowship of the Ring set.

Collection Info
Title The Choice of Lúthien
Unique Yes
Collectible Yes
Set 1 - The Fellowship of the Ring
Rarity R - Rare
Card Number 100
Language EN - English
Revision 0
Gameplay Info
Playable Yes
Culture Gondor
Side Free Peoples
Card Type Condition
Twilight Cost 1
Game Text Tale.

Maneuver: Exert Aragorn to heal Arwen, or exert Arwen to heal Aragorn.

Lore “‘But she chose mortality, and to die from the world, so that she might follow him; and it is sung that they met again beyond the Sundering Seas....'”
DE - German
Card Name Lúthiens Entscheidung
Game Text Erzählung.

Manöver: Strenge Aragorn an, um Arwen zu heilen; oder strenge Arwen an, um Aragorn zu heilen.

Lore "Sie aber wählte die Sterblichkeit und wollte die Welt verlassen, damit sie ihm folgen könne; und so heisst es in dem Lied, dass sie sich jentseits des Trennenden Meeres wiedertrafen...“
ES - Spanish
Card Name La Elección de Lúthien
Game Text Cuento.

Maniobra: Esfuerza a Aragorn para curar a Arwen, o esfuerza a Arwen para curar a Aragorn.

Lore “Pero ella eligió la mortalidad, y morir para el mundo, para así poder seguirlo, y aun se canta que se encontraron mas allá de los Mares que Separan...”
FR - French
Card Name Le Choix de Lúthien
Game Text Récit.

Manœuvre : Affaiblissez Aragorn pour guérir Arwen, ou affaiblissez Arwen pour guérir Aragorn.

Lore “‘Mais elle choisit l'état de mortelle, voulant quitter le monde pour le suivre ; et l'on chante qu'ils se retrouvèrent au-delà des Mers Séparatrices....'”
IT - Italian
Card Name La Scelta di Lúthien
Game Text Racconto.

Manovra: Sforza Aragorn per curare Arwen, o sforza Arwen per curare Aragorn.

Lore “‘Ma ella scelse la mortalità, e di morire al mondo, per poterlo seguire. Si canta che si incontrarono nuovamente al di là dei Mari che separano i mondi....'”
PL - Polish
PT - Portuguese
ZH - Chinese

Technical Info
Wiki Base Card ID LOTR-EN01S100.0
GEMP ID 1_100
LOTRO Hex ID 44 2A F4
LOTRO Image ID 01_100


Along with Arwen's Fate and Gift of the Evenstar, The Choice of Luthien focuses on the relationship between Aragorn and Arwen. It is probably the best card of the three, thanks to its versatility. The ability to transfer wounds from one to the other makes exertion abilities easier to use (Such as Arwen's Fate and Aragorn's Bow), as the player can ensure the character who needs to exert has the most vitality. It also allows the Free Peoples player to balance out wounds between the two characters, rather than having one fully healed and the other at death's door. The Choice of Luthien, being a maneuver card, shields the pair from Hate and Ulaire Enquea, Lieutenant of Morgul, unless both Aragorn and Arwen are near death anyway. It also allows the player to get the best use out of other healing effects (E.g. Aragorn, King in Exile cannot heal himself, but Arwen can heal him via The Choice of Luthien and he can then heal her with his own text). Finally, the card's ability is free to use (Unlike Shoulder to Shoulder), and can be used as often as necessary during each Maneuver phase.

Strengths and Weaknesses[edit]

Strong Versus...[edit]

  • Wounding (especially Maneuver wounding)

Weak Versus...[edit]

  • Heal prevention (Black Breath, Steward's Tomb)

See Also[edit]


Aragorn and Arwen deck:

1x Arwen, Daughter of Elrond 1x Aragorn, Heir to the White City 1x Sam, Son of Hamfast 3x Elrond, Herald to Gil-galad 3x Galadriel, Lady of the Golden Wood 2x Asfaloth 1x Gwemegil 1x Armor 1x Flaming Brand 1x Ranger's Sword 1x Hobbit Sword 1x Sting 1x Mithril-coat 3x Secret Sentinels 4x Arwen's Fate 1x Gift of the Evenstar 1x The Last Alliance of Elves and Men 1x The Tale of Gil-galad 1x The Choice of Luthien 4x A Promise 1x O Elbereth! Gilthoniel!