Wealth of Moria (1R28)

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Wealth of Moria (1R28) is a Dwarven Event from the Fellowship of the Ring set.

Collection Info
Title Wealth of Moria
Unique No
Collectible Yes
Set 1 - The Fellowship of the Ring
Rarity R - Rare
Card Number 28
Language EN - English
Revision 0
Gameplay Info
Playable Yes
Culture Dwarven
Side Free Peoples
Card Type Event
Twilight Cost 2
Game Text Fellowship: Spot a Dwarf to reveal the top 3 cards of your draw deck. Take all Free Peoples cards revealed into hand and discard the rest.
Lore “‘For here alone in all the world was found Moria-silver, or true-silver as some have called it: mithril is the Elvish name.'”
DE - German
Card Name Morias Reichtum
Game Text Gemeinschaft. Entdecke einen Zwerg, um die obersten 3 Karten von deinem Spieldeck aufzudecken. Nimm alle Karten der Freien Völker in deine Hand und lege die übrigen ab.
Lore "Doch allein hier und sonst nirgends in der Welt wurde Moria-Silber gefunden, oder Wahr-Silber, wie manche es genannt haben: mithril ist der elbische Name.“
ES - Spanish
Card Name Riqueza de Moria
Game Text Comunidad: Avista un Enano para revelar las 3 superiores cartas de tu mazo de robar. Coge todas las cartas de Gentes Libres reveladas en tu mano y descarta el resto.
Lore “Pues este era el único sitio del mundo donde había plata de Moria, o plata autentica como algunos la llamaban: mithril es el nombre Élfico.”
FR - French
Card Name Richesse de la Moria
Game Text Compagnie : Désignez un Nain pour révéler les 3 premières cartes de votre pioche. Prenez en main toutes les cartes de Peuples Libres révélées et défaussez les autres.
Lore “‘Du monde entier ce n'est qu'ici qu'on trouvait l'argent de la Moria ou vrai-argent, comme d'aucuns l'ont appelé. Mithril est son nom elfique.'”
IT - Italian
Card Name Ricchezze di Moria
Game Text Compagnia: Avvista un Nano per mostrare le prime 3 carte del tuo mazzo di gioco. Aggiungi alla mano tutte le carte dei Popoli Liberi mostrate e scarta il resto.
Lore “‘Codesto è l'unico posto al mondo ove si trovi l'argento di Moria o, come l'hanno chiamato alcuni, il vero-argento: mithril è il nome elfico.'”
PL - Polish
PT - Portuguese
ZH - Chinese

Technical Info
Wiki Base Card ID LOTR-EN01S028.0
GEMP ID 1_28
LOTRO Hex ID 4C 25 F4
LOTRO Image ID 01_028


Like Delving, this card helps players to draw more cards. Unlike Delving, this card only grabs Free Peoples cards from your deck, which is only really desirable if you want to cycle quickly through your deck or are not relying much on your shadow side. It has an advantage over Delving in that it doesn't need an exertion, but instead costs 2 twilight. As such, combining it with Aragorn, HttWC or Sting might be desirable to prevent a build-up of twilight. It could be beneficial to tank fellowships that are trying to flood the twilight pool by getting out as many expensive cards as possible. It typically draws fewer cards than Delving, so it is less affected by the rule of 4.

Strengths and Weaknesses[edit]

Strong Versus...[edit]

  • Cheap shadows
  • Copes better with Wounding/Archery decks than most [dwarven] card draw, as it doesn't cost an exertion

Weak Versus...[edit]

  • Discard decks