Data:Hugin, Emissary from Laketown (2C24)/Data
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This page defines the card data as used on the main Data:Hugin, Emissary from Laketown (2C24) article. Only edit the information on this page if there is an obvious typo or if you otherwise know what you're doing.
ID | LOTR-EN02S024.0 |
ReprintBaseID | LOTR-EN02S024.0 |
Title | Hugin |
Subtitle | Emissary from Laketown |
Set Number | 2 |
Subset | S |
SetOrder | 24 |
Rarity | C |
Card Number | 24 |
Revision | 0 |
CollInfo | 2C24 |
GEMP_ID | 2_24 |
LOTRO Hex ID | 68 49 E8 01 |
LOTRO Image # | 02_024 |
TLHH Image # | LOTR02024 |
Culture | Gandalf |
Side | Free Peoples |
Card Type | Ally |
Was Physically Printed | yes |
Is An Actual Playable Card | yes |
SearchTerms | |
Notes |
ID | LOTR-EN02S024.0 |
Base Card ID | LOTR-EN02S024.0 |
Subset | S |
Revision | 0 |
ReleaseDate | |
ReleaseNotes | |
Image Filename | |
Portrait Filename | |
Language Code | EN |
IsPhysical | yes |
IsPlayable | yes |
CollInfo | |
Is Unique | yes |
Title | Hugin |
Subtitle | Emissary from Laketown |
Subtypes | Man |
Twilight Cost | 1 |
Strength | 4 |
Strength Modifier | |
Vitality | 2 |
Vitality Modifier | |
Site Number | 3 |
Site Number Modifier | |
Resistance | |
Resistance Modifier | |
CanBearRing | |
Signet | |
Block | |
Shadow Number | |
Arrow Direction | |
Game Text | To play, spot Gandalf. Fellowship: Exert Hugin to reveal a Free Peoples card from your discard pile and place it beneath your draw deck. |
Tagged Game Text | To play, spot Gandalf. <keyword>Fellowship:</keyword> Exert Hugin to reveal a Free Peoples card from your discard pile and place it beneath your draw deck. |
Formatted Game Text | To play, spot Gandalf. Fellowship: Exert Hugin to reveal a Free Peoples card from your discard pile and place it beneath your draw deck. |
Lore | Several wise Bardings were sent to Elrond to tell of the Dark Lord's new offer. |
Promo Text | |
Notes |
ID | LOTR-DE02S024.0 |
Base Card ID | LOTR-EN02S024.0 |
Subset | S |
Revision | 0 |
ReleaseDate | |
ReleaseNotes | |
Image Filename | |
Portrait Filename | |
Language Code | DE |
IsPhysical | |
IsPlayable | |
CollInfo | |
Is Unique | |
Title | |
Subtitle | Abgesandter aus Seestadt |
Subtypes | |
Twilight Cost | |
Strength | |
Strength Modifier | |
Vitality | |
Vitality Modifier | |
Site Number | |
Site Number Modifier | |
Resistance | |
Resistance Modifier | |
CanBearRing | |
Signet | |
Block | |
Shadow Number | |
Arrow Direction | |
Game Text | |
Tagged Game Text | Entdecke Gandalf, um Hugin zu spielen. <keyword>Gemeinschaft.</keyword> Strenge Hugin an, um eine Freie Völker Karte aus deinem Ablagestapel aufzudecken und diese unter dein Spieldeck zu legen. |
Formatted Game Text | Entdecke Gandalf, um Hugin zu spielen. Gemeinschaft. Strenge Hugin an, um eine Freie Völker Karte aus deinem Ablagestapel aufzudecken und diese unter dein Spieldeck zu legen. |
Lore | Mehrere weise Bardinger wurden an Elronds Hof entsandt, um Kunde vom Vorschlag des dunklen Herrschers zu bringen. |
Promo Text | |
Notes |
ID | LOTR-FR02S024.0 |
Base Card ID | LOTR-EN02S024.0 |
Subset | S |
Revision | 0 |
ReleaseDate | |
ReleaseNotes | |
Image Filename | |
Portrait Filename | |
Language Code | FR |
IsPhysical | |
IsPlayable | |
CollInfo | |
Is Unique | |
Title | |
Subtitle | $missaire de la Ville du Lac |
Subtypes | |
Twilight Cost | |
Strength | |
Strength Modifier | |
Vitality | |
Vitality Modifier | |
Site Number | |
Site Number Modifier | |
Resistance | |
Resistance Modifier | |
CanBearRing | |
Signet | |
Block | |
Shadow Number | |
Arrow Direction | |
Game Text | |
Tagged Game Text | Pour jouer, désignez Gandalf. <keyword>Compagnie :</keyword> Affaiblissez Hugin pour révéler une carte des Peuples Libres de votre pile de défausse et la placer sous votre pioche. |
Formatted Game Text | Pour jouer, désignez Gandalf. Compagnie : Affaiblissez Hugin pour révéler une carte des Peuples Libres de votre pile de défausse et la placer sous votre pioche. |
Lore | Plusieurs sages Bardides furent envoyés à Elrond pour parler de la nouvelle offre du Seigneur Ténébreux. |
Promo Text | |
Notes |
ID | LOTR-IT02S024.0 |
Base Card ID | LOTR-EN02S024.0 |
Subset | S |
Revision | 0 |
ReleaseDate | |
ReleaseNotes | |
Image Filename | |
Portrait Filename | |
Language Code | IT |
IsPhysical | |
IsPlayable | |
CollInfo | |
Is Unique | |
Title | |
Subtitle | Emissario da Pontelagolungo |
Subtypes | |
Twilight Cost | |
Strength | |
Strength Modifier | |
Vitality | |
Vitality Modifier | |
Site Number | |
Site Number Modifier | |
Resistance | |
Resistance Modifier | |
CanBearRing | |
Signet | |
Block | |
Shadow Number | |
Arrow Direction | |
Game Text | |
Tagged Game Text | Per giocarlo, avvista Gandalf. <keyword>Compagnia:</keyword> Sforza Hugin per mostrare una carta dei Popoli Liberi dalla tua pila degli scarti e metterla in fondo al tuo mazzo di gioco. |
Formatted Game Text | Per giocarlo, avvista Gandalf. Compagnia: Sforza Hugin per mostrare una carta dei Popoli Liberi dalla tua pila degli scarti e metterla in fondo al tuo mazzo di gioco. |
Lore | Molti saggi del popolo di Bard furono inviati presso Elrond per riferirgli della nuova offerta dell'Oscuro Sire. |
Promo Text | |
Notes |
ID | LOTR-ES02S024.0 |
Base Card ID | LOTR-EN02S024.0 |
Subset | S |
Revision | 0 |
ReleaseDate | |
ReleaseNotes | |
Image Filename | |
Portrait Filename | |
Language Code | ES |
IsPhysical | |
IsPlayable | |
CollInfo | |
Is Unique | |
Title | |
Subtitle | Emisario de la ciudad del lago |
Subtypes | |
Twilight Cost | |
Strength | |
Strength Modifier | |
Vitality | |
Vitality Modifier | |
Site Number | |
Site Number Modifier | |
Resistance | |
Resistance Modifier | |
CanBearRing | |
Signet | |
Block | |
Shadow Number | |
Arrow Direction | |
Game Text | |
Tagged Game Text | Para jugarlo, avista a Gandalf. <keyword>Comunidad:</keyword> Esfuerza a Hugin para revelar una carta de Gentes Libres de tu pila de descartes y colocarla bajo tu mazo de robar. |
Formatted Game Text | Para jugarlo, avista a Gandalf. Comunidad: Esfuerza a Hugin para revelar una carta de Gentes Libres de tu pila de descartes y colocarla bajo tu mazo de robar. |
Lore | Unos cuantos sabios del pueblo de Bardo fueron enviados a Elrond para informarle de la nueva oferta del Señor Oscuro. |
Promo Text | |
Notes |
ID | LOTR-PL02S024.0 |
Base Card ID | LOTR-EN02S024.0 |
Subset | S |
Revision | 0 |
ReleaseDate | |
ReleaseNotes | |
Image Filename | |
Portrait Filename | |
Language Code | PL |
IsPhysical | |
IsPlayable | |
CollInfo | |
Is Unique | |
Title | |
Subtitle | |
Subtypes | |
Twilight Cost | |
Strength | |
Strength Modifier | |
Vitality | |
Vitality Modifier | |
Site Number | |
Site Number Modifier | |
Resistance | |
Resistance Modifier | |
CanBearRing | |
Signet | |
Block | |
Shadow Number | |
Arrow Direction | |
Game Text | |
Tagged Game Text | |
Formatted Game Text | |
Lore | |
Promo Text | |
Notes |
ID | LOTR-EN02F024.0 |
Base Card ID | LOTR-EN02S024.0 |
Subset | F |
Revision | 0 |
ReleaseDate | |
ReleaseNotes | |
Image Filename | |
Portrait Filename | |
Language Code | EN |
IsPhysical | yes |
IsPlayable | yes |
CollInfo | 2C24 |
Is Unique | |
Title | |
Subtitle | |
Subtypes | |
Twilight Cost | |
Strength | |
Strength Modifier | |
Vitality | |
Vitality Modifier | |
Site Number | |
Site Number Modifier | |
Resistance | |
Resistance Modifier | |
CanBearRing | |
Signet | |
Block | |
Shadow Number | |
Arrow Direction | |
Game Text | |
Tagged Game Text | |
Formatted Game Text | |
Lore | |
Promo Text | |
Notes |
ID | LOTR-DE02F024.0 |
Base Card ID | LOTR-EN02S024.0 |
Subset | F |
Revision | 0 |
ReleaseDate | |
ReleaseNotes | |
Image Filename | LOTR-DE02F024.0_card.jpg |
Portrait Filename | |
Language Code | DE |
IsPhysical | yes |
IsPlayable | yes |
CollInfo | 2C24 |
Is Unique | |
Title | |
Subtitle | |
Subtypes | |
Twilight Cost | |
Strength | |
Strength Modifier | |
Vitality | |
Vitality Modifier | |
Site Number | |
Site Number Modifier | |
Resistance | |
Resistance Modifier | |
CanBearRing | |
Signet | |
Block | |
Shadow Number | |
Arrow Direction | |
Game Text | |
Tagged Game Text | |
Formatted Game Text | |
Lore | |
Promo Text | |
Notes |
ID | LOTR-FR02F024.0 |
Base Card ID | LOTR-EN02S024.0 |
Subset | F |
Revision | 0 |
ReleaseDate | |
ReleaseNotes | |
Image Filename | LOTR-FR02F024.0_card.jpg |
Portrait Filename | |
Language Code | FR |
IsPhysical | yes |
IsPlayable | yes |
CollInfo | 2C24 |
Is Unique | |
Title | |
Subtitle | |
Subtypes | |
Twilight Cost | |
Strength | |
Strength Modifier | |
Vitality | |
Vitality Modifier | |
Site Number | |
Site Number Modifier | |
Resistance | |
Resistance Modifier | |
CanBearRing | |
Signet | |
Block | |
Shadow Number | |
Arrow Direction | |
Game Text | |
Tagged Game Text | |
Formatted Game Text | |
Lore | |
Promo Text | |
Notes |
ID | LOTR-IT02F024.0 |
Base Card ID | LOTR-EN02S024.0 |
Subset | F |
Revision | 0 |
ReleaseDate | |
ReleaseNotes | |
Image Filename | LOTR-IT02F024.0_card.jpg |
Portrait Filename | |
Language Code | IT |
IsPhysical | yes |
IsPlayable | yes |
CollInfo | 2C24 |
Is Unique | |
Title | |
Subtitle | |
Subtypes | |
Twilight Cost | |
Strength | |
Strength Modifier | |
Vitality | |
Vitality Modifier | |
Site Number | |
Site Number Modifier | |
Resistance | |
Resistance Modifier | |
CanBearRing | |
Signet | |
Block | |
Shadow Number | |
Arrow Direction | |
Game Text | |
Tagged Game Text | |
Formatted Game Text | |
Lore | |
Promo Text | |
Notes |
ID | LOTR-ES02F024.0 |
Base Card ID | LOTR-EN02S024.0 |
Subset | F |
Revision | 0 |
ReleaseDate | |
ReleaseNotes | |
Image Filename | LOTR-ES02F024.0_card.jpg |
Portrait Filename | |
Language Code | ES |
IsPhysical | yes |
IsPlayable | yes |
CollInfo | 2C24 |
Is Unique | |
Title | |
Subtitle | |
Subtypes | |
Twilight Cost | |
Strength | |
Strength Modifier | |
Vitality | |
Vitality Modifier | |
Site Number | |
Site Number Modifier | |
Resistance | |
Resistance Modifier | |
CanBearRing | |
Signet | |
Block | |
Shadow Number | |
Arrow Direction | |
Game Text | |
Tagged Game Text | |
Formatted Game Text | |
Lore | |
Promo Text | |
Notes |
ID | LOTR-PL02F024.0 |
Base Card ID | LOTR-EN02S024.0 |
Subset | F |
Revision | 0 |
ReleaseDate | |
ReleaseNotes | |
Image Filename | LOTR-PL02F024.0_card.jpg |
Portrait Filename | |
Language Code | PL |
IsPhysical | yes |
IsPlayable | yes |
CollInfo | 2C24 |
Is Unique | |
Title | |
Subtitle | |
Subtypes | |
Twilight Cost | |
Strength | |
Strength Modifier | |
Vitality | |
Vitality Modifier | |
Site Number | |
Site Number Modifier | |
Resistance | |
Resistance Modifier | |
CanBearRing | |
Signet | |
Block | |
Shadow Number | |
Arrow Direction | |
Game Text | |
Tagged Game Text | |
Formatted Game Text | |
Lore | |
Promo Text | |
Notes |