Data:Demoralized (11U114)/Collection

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As a card from the Shadows set, Data:Demoralized (11U114) was primarily gained through [standard booster packs | as a card in the XXX starter deck | direct purchase from the XXX product | explanation of promotional distribution], or sometimes as [a random rare in a starter deck]. It is a [brief description of usage], so its demand is [enormous | relatively high | average | relatively low | nonexistent].

  • As an Uncommon, Demoralized has a 1 in 20 (~5.0%) chance of being in any Sh booster pack.
  • Shadows was printed in 3 languages other than English: German, French, and Italian.

All known card variants (including those listed above) are below:

Card Image Identifier Notes
English • Nonfoil
English • Nonfoil As a non-unique card, up to 4 copies of Demoralized adding per companion exertion is pretty juicy on its own, but when you combine it with cards such as <span class="tooltip">Rallying Orc&nbsp;(12R100)START_WIDGET"'-0638a7915d83ed0fEND_WIDGET</span> which force exertions, you can basically guarantee that your whole hand will be paid for (assuming it's mostly lurkers).

To avoid such abuse, Demoralized was altered to simply be unique. Decipher Notes: Not found.

German • Nonfoil
French • Nonfoil
Italian • Nonfoil