Host of Thousands (1C187)

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Guard Commander (1R186)
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The Long Dark (1U188)

Host of Thousands (1C187) is a Moria Event from the Fellowship of the Ring set.

Collection Info
Title Host of Thousands
Unique No
Collectible Yes
Set 1 - The Fellowship of the Ring
Rarity C - Common
Card Number 187
Language EN - English
Revision 0
Gameplay Info
Playable Yes
Culture Moria
Side Shadow
Card Type Event
Twilight Cost 0
Game Text Shadow: Play a Orc from your discard pile.
Lore Killing one is no victory, since a dozen from the warrens below will take his place.
DE - German
Card Name Eine schier unerschöpfliche Flut
Game Text Schatten: Spiele einen Ork aus deinem Ablagestapel.
Lore Einen zu töten ist kein Sieg, solange aus den Barracken dort unten ein Dutzend seine Stelle einnehmen.
ES - Spanish
Card Name Hueste de Miles
Game Text Sombra: Juega un Orco de tu pila de descartes.
Lore Matar a uno no es una victoria, ya que una docena tomaran su lugar desde los refugios.
FR - French
Card Name Cohorte de Milliers
Game Text Ombre : Jouez un Orque de votre pile de défausse.
Lore En tuer un n'est pas une victoire, puisqu'une douzaine sortiront du nid pour prendre sa place.
IT - Italian
Card Name Schiera di Migliaia
Game Text Ombra: Gioca un Orco dalla tua pila degli scarti.
Lore Ucciderne uno non è una vittoria, dato che una dozzina, provenienti dai labirinti laggiù, prenderanno il suo posto.
PL - Polish
PT - Portuguese
ZH - Chinese

Technical Info
Wiki Base Card ID LOTR-EN01S187.0
GEMP ID 1_187
LOTRO Image ID 01_187


An invaluable card in most [moria] decks, Host of Thousands essentially serves as a proxy minion, as the card itself is free. It has great versatility however, as it can play any minion in the discard pile, allowing you to retrieve whatever is most appropriate for the situation - Goblin Runner if there is little twilight, Goblin Patrol Troop if there is too much twilight, Goblin Scavengers if you need weapons, or Troll's Keyward if you have a Cave Troll. It is also immune to effects such as Curse Their Foul Feet and Sting. The only problem with this card is if you draw it too early, as there will be little (if any) minions in your discard pile.

Strengths and Weaknesses[edit]

Strong Versus...[edit]

  • Works well against almost any deck, due to its great flexibility

Weak Versus...[edit]

  • Event-!hate (Legolas, Dauntless Hunter or Gandalf, Wise Guide)
  • Largely ineffective card in the early game; however, [Moria] has several great cycling options

See Also[edit]


  • Fellowship Block [Moria] Archery Shadow by Legion

Shadow (46 Cards): 3x Archer Commander 4x Moria Archer Troop 4x Goblin Bowman 4x Goblin Marksman 3x Goblin Runner 1x Goblin Warrior 1x Goblin Scrabbler 3x Ulaire Enquea, Lieutenant of Morgul 4x Goblin Scimitar 1x Moria Axe 4x Goblin Armory 2x Relics of Moria 2x They Are Coming 1x Goblin Domain 2x Goblin Swarms 4x Host of Thousands 3x Bitter Hatred

Note this deck's strategy--it combines a large Shadow side with speed cycling cards such as They Are Coming. Goblin Scimitar is the main card-drawing engine, with Goblin Armory and Goblin Runner generating twilight for key minions such as Moria Archery Troop.