Songs of the Blessed Realm (1C61)

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Silinde, Elf of Mirkwood (1U60)
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The Splendor of Their Banners (1R62)

Songs of the Blessed Realm (1C61) is a Elven Condition from the Fellowship of the Ring set.

Collection Info
Title Songs of the Blessed Realm
Unique No
Collectible Yes
Set 1 - The Fellowship of the Ring
Rarity C - Common
Card Number 61
Language EN - English
Revision 0
Gameplay Info
Playable Yes
Culture Elven
Side Free Peoples
Card Type Condition
Twilight Cost 1
Game Text Plays to your support area.

Each time you play an tale, you may remove a burden.

Lore Elves seem to like music and poetry and tales as much as Hobbits like food.
DE - German
Card Name Lieder des glückseligen Reichs
Game Text Jedesmal, wenn du eine Erzählung spielst, darfst du eine Lastmarke entfernen.
Lore Es scheint, dass Elben Musik und Dichtkunst eben so sehr lieben, wie die Hobbits das Essen.
ES - Spanish
Card Name Canciones del Reino Bendecido
Game Text Cada vez que juegas un cuento , puedes quitar una carga.
Lore Parece ser que a los Elfos les gusta tanto la música la poesía y las canciones tanto como a los Hobbits la comida.
FR - French
Card Name Chants du Royaume Béni
Game Text Chaque fois que vous jouez un récit <symbol>œ</symbol>, vous pouvez retirer un point-fardeau.
Lore Les Elfes semblent aimer la musique et la poésie autant que les Hobbits aiment la nourriture.
IT - Italian
Card Name Canzone del Reame Benedetto
Game Text Ogni volta che giochi un racconto , puoi rimuovere un segnalino fardello.
Lore Gli Elfi sembrano amare la musica, la poesia e i racconti quanto gli Hobbit amano il cibo.
PL - Polish
PT - Portuguese
ZH - Chinese

Technical Info
Wiki Base Card ID LOTR-EN01S061.0
GEMP ID 1_61
LOTRO Hex ID 4D 27 F4
LOTRO Image ID 01_061


Songs of the Blessed Realm is a stackable, support area condition that removes a burden for each [Elven] tale played. With four copies in play, a single copy of The Last Alliance of Elves and Men could remove four burdens, crippling an Easterling or corruption strategy. While the number of [Elven] tales is short, they tend to be among the most powerful events and conditions, such as Alliance Reforged, The Tale of Gil-Galad, or The Splendor of Their Banners. That said, Sam, Son of Hamfast and Gandalf's Pipe remain the best burden removal cards with their ability to peel burdens with fewer card slots (or in an more focused strategy).

This condition pairs well with Red Book of Westmarch to draw cards as both use the same trigger, and Bilbo, Well-Spoken Gentlehobbit can use [Elven] tale conditions to discard support area Shadow conditions.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Strong Versus...

  • Corruption strategies
  • "Beasterling" decks, which rely on burdens for benefits
  • Strong with The Shire Countryside for healing (even better with Voice of Nimrodel, to use during skirmishes)

Weak Versus...

  • Condition discarding
  • Decks with no corruption focus