Sauron's Defenses (1U274)

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The Ring's Oppression (1C273)
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Seeking It Always (1U275)

Sauron's Defenses (1U274) is a Sauron Condition from the Fellowship of the Ring set.

Collection Info
Title Sauron's Defenses
Unique No
Collectible Yes
Set 1 - The Fellowship of the Ring
Rarity U - Uncommon
Card Number 274
Language EN - English
Revision 0
Gameplay Info
Playable Yes
Culture Sauron
Side Shadow
Card Type Condition
Twilight Cost 1
Game Text To play, exert a Orc. Plays to your support area.

While there are 3 or more companions in the dead pile, the move limit for this turn is -1 (to a minimum of 1).

Lore Sauron's minions are everywhere. Few roads escape the gaze of the Lidless Eye.
DE - German
Card Name Saurons Verteidiger
Game Text Strenge einen Ork an, um diese Karte in deinen Unterstützungsbereich zu spielen. Solange 3 oder mehr Gefährten im Friedhof liegen, reduziert sich die Bewegungsweite um 1 ( bis auf ein Minimum von 1).
Lore Saurons Schergen sind überall. Nur wenige Pfade entgehen dem wachsamen Blick des Lidlosen Auges.
ES - Spanish
Card Name Las Defensas de Sauron
Game Text Para jugarla, esfuerza un Orco . Mientras haya 3 o más compañeros en la pila de muertos, el límite de movimiento para este turno es -1 (hasta un mínimo de 1).
Lore Los siervos de Sauron están en todas partes. Pocos caminos escapan de la mirada del Ojo sin Párpado.
FR - French
Card Name Les Défenses de Sauron
Game Text Pour jouer, affaiblissez un Orque . Tant qu’il y a 3 compagnons ou plus dans le cimetière, la limite de déplacement pour ce tour est de -1 (jusqu’à un minimum de 1).
Lore Les séides de Sauron sont partout. Peu de routes échappent au regard de l'*il sans Paupière.
IT - Italian
Card Name Difese di Sauron
Game Text Per giocarla, sforza un Orco . Finché ci sono 3 o più compagni nella pila dei morti, sottrai -1 al limite dei movimenti per questo turno (fino a un minimo di 1).
Lore I servi di Sauron sono ovunque. Poche strade sfuggono allo sguardo dell'Occhio Senza Palpebre.
PL - Polish
PT - Portuguese
ZH - Chinese

Technical Info
Wiki Base Card ID LOTR-EN01S274.0
GEMP ID 1_274
LOTRO Hex ID 42 35 F4
LOTRO Image ID 01_274


Punishes players for constantly sacrificing characters to the Shadow. Can work well with the Balrog or Hate. The Number Must be Few is generally a good/better alternative since a fellowship of many characters who are not dying is more likely to double move. Sauron's Defenses' inability to spot allies often leaves it unused, as fellowships with too many dead companions generally don't want to double move often.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Strong Versus...

  • Cannon-fodder characters (Dwarf Guard, Lorien Elf)

Weak Versus...

  • Small Fellowships
  • Strong companions