Mordor Enraged (1R254)

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Journey Into Danger (1R253)
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Mordor's Strength (1C255)

Mordor Enraged (1R254) is a Sauron Condition from the Fellowship of the Ring set.

Collection Info
Title Mordor Enraged
Unique No
Collectible Yes
Set 1 - The Fellowship of the Ring
Rarity R - Rare
Card Number 254
Language EN - English
Revision 0
Gameplay Info
Playable Yes
Culture Sauron
Side Shadow
Card Type Condition
Twilight Cost 0
Game Text Plays on a minion.

Shadow: Exert bearer to add for each archer companion.

Lore The armies of Elendil and Gil-galad inflamed Sauron's anger and hatred.
DE - German
Card Name Mordor in Aufruhr
Game Text Wird auf einen Diener gespielt. Schatten: Strenge den Träger an, um den Einfluss um für jeden Bogenschützen unter den Gefährten zu erhöhen.
Lore Die Armeen von Elendil und Gil-galad entfachten Saurons Zorn und Hass.
ES - Spanish
Card Name Mordor Enfurecido
Game Text Se juega en un siervo Sombra: Esfuerza al portador para añadir por cada compañero arquero.
Lore Los ejércitos de Elendil y Gil-Galad enardecieron la ira y el odio de Sauron.
FR - French
Card Name Mordor Exaspéré
Game Text Jouable sur un séide . Ombre : Affaiblissez le détenteur pour ajouter pour chaque compagnon Archer.
Lore Les armées d'Elendil et de Gil-galad enflammèrent la colère de Sauron et sa haine.
IT - Italian
Card Name Furia di Mordor
Game Text Giocala su un servitore . Ombra: Sforza il possessore per aggiungere per ogni arciere compagno.
Lore Le armate di Elendil e Gil-Galad accesero l'ira e l'odio di Sauron.
PL - Polish
PT - Portuguese
ZH - Chinese

Technical Info
Wiki Base Card ID LOTR-EN01S254.0
GEMP ID 1_254
LOTRO Hex ID 4E 33 F4
LOTRO Image ID 01_254


A borderline unplayable rare, Mordor Enraged has little-to-no use in any competitive deck.

Most archery-based Free Peoples strategies have the wounding capability to kill exhausted minions before even reaching the skirmish phase. Better twilight generation, such as Orc Insurgent, Orc Taskmaster, or the Restricted Forces of Mordor exist in the [Sauron] culture.

Perhaps the most interesting utility of this card is its ability to play on Sauron, The Lord of the Rings allowing him to exert for free (giving him extra strength via his enduring keyword). This naturally makes a minion a target for directed wounding.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Strong Versus...

  • Spottable condition for Orc Butcher
  • Twilight generation against Archers
  • Synergy with Sauron, The Lord of the Rings and other Enduring [Sauron] minions like Orc Slaughterer

Weak Versus...

  • Hand Clog
  • Useless against decks without archers
  • The ridicule of an opponent upon seeing the card in play