Elven Cloak (1C42)

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Elven Bow (1C41)
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Far-seeing Eyes (1C43)

Elven Cloak (1C42) is a Elven Possession from the Fellowship of the Ring set.

Collection Info
Title Elven Cloak
Unique No
Collectible Yes
Set 1 - The Fellowship of the Ring
Rarity C - Common
Card Number 42
Language EN - English
Revision 0
Gameplay Info
Playable Yes
Culture Elven
Side Free Peoples
Card Type Possession
Item Class Cloak
Twilight Cost 1
Game Text To play, spot an Elf. Bearer must be a companion.

The minion archery total is -1.

Lore “‘...never before have we clad strangers in the garb of our own people.'”
DE - German
Card Name Elbenmantel
Game Text Entdecke einen Elben, um den Elbenmantel zu spielen. Muss auf einen Gefährten gespielt werden. Der Fernkampfwert der Diener wird um 1 reduziert.
Lore "...und niemals zuvor haben wir Fremde in die Gewänder unseres eigenen Volkes gekleidet.“
ES - Spanish
Card Name Capa Élfica
Game Text Para jugarlo, avista un Elfo. El portador ha de ser un Compañero. El total de arquería de los siervos es -1.
Lore “...y nunca hasta ahora habíamos vestido a extranjeros con las ropas de los nuestros.”
FR - French
Card Name Cape Elfique
Game Text Pour jouer, désignez un Elfe. Le détenteur doit être un compagnon. Le total d’archerie des séides est de -1.
Lore “...et jamais auparavant nous n'avons vêtu des étrangers du costume des nôtres.”
IT - Italian
Card Name Mantello Elfico
Game Text Per giocarla, avvista un Elfo. Il possessore deve essere un compagno. Sottrai -1 al totale degli arcieri tra i servitori.
Lore “‘...mai prima d'oggi avevamo vestito degli stranieri con abiti uguali ai nostri.'”
PL - Polish
PT - Portuguese
ZH - Chinese

Technical Info
Wiki Base Card ID LOTR-EN01S042.0
GEMP ID 1_42
LOTRO Hex ID 4A 26 F4
LOTRO Image ID 01_042


One of four cloaks in Movie Block (with Boromir's Cloak, Faramir's Cloak and Frodo's Cloak), Elven Cloak is the only cloak bearable by any companion and makes the minion archery total -1 for each copy in play. Elven Cloak requires an Elf to play, but with the number of [Elven] allies and companions available, this spotting requirement should not be prohibitive.

One of three possessions in Fellowship block to add a permanent minion archery -1 effect (alongside Great Shield and Shield of Boromir), Elven Cloak is a fringe possession generally not worthy of a deck slot. Future sets introduce other possessions or conditions that decrease the archery total in addition to offering other affects. Shield of Boromir, Rohirrim Shield, and Hosts of the Last Alliance are three examples of this.

Already a fringe possession in Fellowship Block, Elven Cloak became even more unlikely to be played with the addition of The Two Towers set. Grima, Wormtongue, War Club, and similar "possession hate" largely sent this card back into the pile of rubbish commons in the back of the shoebox.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Strong Versus...

  • Minion archery shadows
  • Could be played on a Ring-bound companion to avoid effects like that of Grima, Wormtongue
  • Useful in decks that use Galadriel BoW (Ring-bearer) alone
  • Provides a potential boost to cards like Durin III or bearer of Rohirrim Doorwarden

Weak Versus...

  • Possession discarding
  • Hand clog, via not having an [Elven] character in play