Caradhras Has Not Forgiven Us (1R123)

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Breeding Pit (1C122)
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Cruel Caradhras (1R124)

Caradhras Has Not Forgiven Us (1R123) is a Isengard Event from the Fellowship of the Ring set.

Collection Info
Title Caradhras Has Not Forgiven Us
Unique No
Collectible Yes
Set 1 - The Fellowship of the Ring
Rarity R - Rare
Card Number 123
Language EN - English
Revision 0
Gameplay Info
Playable Yes
Culture Isengard
Side Shadow
Card Type Event
Twilight Cost 3
Game Text Spell. Weather.

Maneuver: Exert a minion and spot 5 companions to discard an exhausted companion (except the Ring-bearer).

Lore “‘It was no ordinary storm. It is the ill will of Caradhras.'”
DE - German
Card Name Caradhras hat uns noch nicht vergeben
Game Text Zauberspruch. Wetter.

Manöver: Strenge einen Diener an und entdecke 5 Gefährten, um einen erschöpften Gefährten (ausser den Ringträger) abzulegen.

Lore "Es war kein gewöhnlicher Schneesturm. Es ist Caradhras‘ Bosheit.“
ES - Spanish
Card Name Caradhras No Nos Ha Perdonado
Game Text Hechizo. Clima. Maniobra: Esfuerza un siervo y avista 5 compañeros para descartar un compañero exhausto (excepto el Portador del Anillo).
Lore “No era una tormenta ordinaria, sino la mala voluntad de Caradhras.”
FR - French
Card Name Caradhras ne Nous a pas Pardonnés
Game Text Sort. Climat.

Manœuvre : Affaiblissez un séide et désignez 5 compagnons pour défausser un compagnon épuisé (excepté le Porteur de l’Anneau).

Lore “‘Ce n'était pas une tempête ordinaire. C'est la malveillance de Caradhras.'”
IT - Italian
Card Name Il Caradhras Non Ci Ha Perdonato
Game Text Magia. Atmosferica.

Manovra: Sforza un servitore e avvista 5 compagni per scartare un compagno Esausto (eccetto il Portatore dell’Anello).

Lore “‘Non era una normale tempesta. E' la volontà ostile del Caradhras.'”
PL - Polish
PT - Portuguese
ZH - Chinese

Technical Info
Wiki Base Card ID LOTR-EN01S123.0
GEMP ID 1_123
LOTRO Image ID 01_123


Caradhras Has Not Forgiven Us is an incredibly situational maneuver event that can discard an exhausted companion. At the cost of [3], Caradhras Has Not Forgiven Us almost necessitates the use of multiple copies of Saruman's Ambition, particularly in Fellowship Block where excess twilight is more scarce. While discarding a companion such as Aragorn, Ranger of the North who has just exhausted himself for a massive defender bonus can be an unpleasant surprise for the Free Peoples player, Caradhras Has Not Forgiven Us can possibly weaken one of the most potent [Isengard] events--Savagery to Match Their Numbers.

Greed and Ulaire Enquea, Lieutenant of Morgul are far stronger crowd control options across all formats. Like many [Isengard] events, Caradhras Has Not Forgiven Us is far more likely to be seen in sealed play than in casual or competitive play.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Strong Versus...

  • When the conditions are right, Caradhras Has Not Forgiven Us can remove a companion from play; strongest against major companions like Aragorn, Ranger of the North or a Gandalf who may be exhausted from a cards like Terrible and Evil or Down From the Hills

Weak Versus...

  • Expensive and situational event
  • Potentially makes Savagery to Match Their Numbers less potent