The Hobbit Draft Game: Shadow Packs Index

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The Hobbit Draft Game: Supplementary Packs Index

Here you will find every card in The Hobbit Draft Game: Shadow Packs Index set. Please see that page for additional information.

Standard Cards[edit]

Portrait Card Name Culture Card Type Game Text
Dwarven Axe (31HE1) Dwarven Possession • Hand Weapon Bearer must be a [Dwarven] character. While bearer is at a mountain site, he is damage +1.
Dwarven Song (31HE2) Dwarven Event • Fellowship At sites 1 to 5, discard a [Dwarven] follower with a twilight cost of X to play X [Dwarven] cards (except events) from your draw deck. At any other site, heal Thorin twice.
Emeralds of Girion (31HD3) Dwarven Artifact • Support Area Fellowship: Add [1] to take a card stacked here into hand. Regroup: Exert an [Elven] ally to stack an [Elven] event (or Lore of Imladris) from your discard pile on Emeralds of Girion.
Great Barricade (31HE4) Dwarven Possession • Support Area Fortification. To play, exert a [Dwarven] companion. If the fellowship moves during the regroup phase, discard this possession. At sites 7 and 8, each minion skirmishing a [Dwarven] companion is strength -3.
Mithril Coat (31HE5) Dwarven Artifact • Armor Bearer must be Bilbo. The minion archery total is -1. While Bilbo is skirmishing, the twilight cost of each Shadow event is +2.
Oakenshield (31HE6) Dwarven Possession • Shield Bearer must be Thorin. The twilight cost of each [Dwarven] event is -1. Response: If Thorin is about to take a wound, discard this possession to prevent that wound.
The Arkenstone, King's Jewel (31HE7) File:Culture Smaug.svg Smaug Artifact Plays on Bilbo. At sites 7 to 9, wound bearer at the end of the maneuver phase. (If bearer is Bilbo, add a doubt instead.) Thorin gains this ability : 'Maneuver : Add a doubt to transfer the Arkenstone to Thorin (or add 3 doubts to discard it).'
Elf Army (31HD8) Elven Ally • Home 5 • Elf Archer. Maneuver: If you can spot more minions than companions, exert Elf Army to allow it to participate in archery fire and skirmishes until the regroup phase.
Legolas, Prince of Mirkwood (31HD9) Elven Ally • Home 5 • Elf Archer. Archery: Spot an Orc and exert Legolas to make the fellowship archery total +1 (or +2 if at a river or forest).
Tauriel, Staunch Defender (31HD10) Elven Ally • Home 5 • Elf Archer. Maneuver: Exert Tauriel to return an Orc with strength 7 or less to its owner's hand.
The Evil Becomes Stronger (31HD11) Elven Event • Archery Spot an [Elven] archer ally to exert a minion. Until the regroup phase, that ally is strength +2 and participates in archery fire and skirmishes.
Thranduil, Elven King (31HD12) Elven Ally • Home 5 • Elf Maneuver: Exert Thorin twice or discard a [Dwarven] artifact to allow Thranduil to participate in skirmishes until the regroup phase.
Beorn, Skin-Changer (31HH13) Gandalf Follower Aid - Exert Gandalf. While Beorn is attached, he cannot be discarded by Shadow. Each time bearer wins a skirmish, you may take a [Gandalf] card from your discard pile into hand.
The Eagles Are Coming (31HH14) Gandalf Event • Skirmish Spell. Exert Gandalf to play a [Gandalf] follower from your draw deck or discard pile. You may attach a [Gandalf] follower from your support area to a companion (without paying the aid cost).
Gwaihir, Lord of the Eagles (31HH15) Gandalf Follower Aid - Discard a [Gandalf] card from hand. Skirmish: Transfer Gwaihir to your support area to cancel a skirmish involving bearer and a mounted Orc.
His Wrath Was Redoubled (31HH16) Gandalf Event • Assignment Spell. Each [Dwarven] companion bearing a follower is strength +2 (and defender+1 if it is a [Gandalf] follower) until the regroup phase.
Radagast, The Brown (31HH17) Gandalf Ally • Home 5 • Wizard Wise. Fellowship: Play Gandalf from your discard pile to make the move limit for this turn +1. Choose an opponent who may draw 2 cards.
War for Gold (31HB18) File:Culture Mirkwood.svg Mirkwood Condition • Support Area Each time the fellowship moves, add [1] for each ally you can spot (limit [3]). Maneuver: Discard this condition to wound a [Dwarven] ally (or discard a [Dwarven] possession instead if you cannot spot a [Dwarven] ally).
Better Than Nothing (31B119) Gollum Condition • Support Area While you can spot Gollum, each [Gandalf] event gains this cost : 'add a doubt'. At the end of your Shadow phase, you may discard an Orc from play to play Gollum from your draw deck or discard pile.
Gollum, Small Slimy Creature (31B120) Gollum Minion Each time Gollum wins a skirmish, you may add a doubt. Assignment: If Gollum is not roaming, exert Gollum and assign him to Bilbo to make Gollum strength +1 (or +3 at an underground site) until the regroup phase.
If He Loses (31B121) Gollum Event • Skirmish You may exert Gollum twice to play this event from your discard pile. Make a minion strength +2. If this minion wins this skirmish, you may add a doubt.
Riddles in the Dark (31HA22) Gollum Condition • Support Area Each time the fellowship moves, add [2]. Response : If Bilbo exerts or takes a wound, exert a minion and discard a card from hand to discard a [Shire] card (except Bilbo). The Free Peoples player may discard 2 cards from hand to prevent this.
Azog, The Defiler (31B123) File:Culture Gundabad.svg Gundabad Minion • Orc Damage +1. Each time you play a mount, you may make the Free Peoples player exert a [Dwarven] companion.
Bolg, Son of Azog (31B124) File:Culture Gundabad.svg Gundabad Minion • Orc Damage +1. Each time Bolg wins a skirmish, you may exert him twice to add a doubt.
Savage Warg (31HH25) File:Culture Gundabad.svg Gundabad Possession • Mount Bearer must an Orc. Bearer is fierce. Each time bearer wins a skirmish, the Free Peoples player must exert a [Dwarven] companion for each 2 [Gandalf] cards you spot.
Threatening Warg (31B126) File:Culture Gundabad.svg Gundabad Possession • Mount Bearer must a [Gundabad] Orc. Bearer is fierce. Assignment: Exert bearer twice or remove 2 doubts to assign bearer to Thorin.
Ulaire Nertea, Revived (31B227) Ringwraith Minion • Nazgul Fierce. The site number of each [Wraith] minion is -3. Response: If the Free Peoples player discards a condition, exert Ulaire Nertea to play a [Wraith] minion from your discard pile; its twilight cost is -8
Ulaire Nelya, Revived (31B228) Ringwraith Minion • Nazgul Fierce. While you can spot a companion bearing a follower, Ulaire Nelya is damage +1
Ancestral Feuds (31HD29) File:Culture Mirkwood.svg Mirkwood Condition • Support Area Each time the fellowship moves to site 5, discard each weapon borne by a [Dwarven] companion. Skirmish : Remove [3] to make a [Dwarven] companion strength -X (limit -3), where X is the number of [Elven] allies you spot.
Goblin Scimitar (31S130) Moria Possession • Hand Weapon To play, spot a [Moria] card. Bearer must be an Orc. When you play this possession, you may draw a card.
Goblin Sneak (31S131) Moria Minion • Orc When you play this minion, you may place an Orc (or 2 Orcs at an underground site) from your discard pile beneath your draw deck.
Goblin Song (31HE32) Moria Event • Maneuver You may exert The Great Goblin twice to play this event from your discard pile. Exert 2 Orcs to discard a [Dwarven] possession or [Dwarven] artifact borne by a companion.
Goblin Swarms (31S133) Moria Condition • Support Area To play, spot a [Moria] card. Response: If your Orc wins a skirmish, discard cards and wounds on that Orc and stack that Orc on this condition. Shadow: Play an Orc stacked here as if played from hand.
Goblin Town (31S34) Site Site Underground. Maneuver: Play the One Ring from your draw deck.
Great Goblin's Power (31S135) Moria Condition • Support Area To play, spot a [Moria] card. Each time you play a weapon, add [1]. Response: If an Orc is about to take a wound, discard this condition or remove [3] to prevent that wound.
The Great Goblin, Chieftain of the Misty Mountains (31S136) Moria Minion • Orc Fierce. Maneuver: Exert The Great Goblin twice to reveal the Free Peoples player's hand. Choose and discard a revealed [Dwarven] event.
Bolg, Servant of Sauron (31HD37) Sauron Minion • Orc Damage +1. When you play Bolg, you may play an Orc from your discard pile for each [Dwarven] companion over 3. Maneuver : Spot an[Elven] archer to make Bolg fierce until the regroup phase.
An Acorn from Beorn's house (31HA38) Shire Possession Bearer must be Bilbo. Regroup: Discard this possession to remove a doubt and discard a Shadow condition.
An Invisible Ring (31HA39) Shire Event • Skirmish If Bilbo wears the One Ring, wound each minion he is skirmishing. Then remove this event from the game.
Barrels (31HA40) Shire Event • Regroup Exert 2 [Dwarven] companions to discard up to 2 minions (except Smaug) and draw 3 cards. If the fellowship is at a river, make the move limit +1 for this turn.
Burglar's Contract (31HA41) Shire Possession Bearer must be Bilbo. Skirmish: Add a doubt and exert Bilbo to make another companion strength +2 (limit +4).
Old Thrush (31HA42) Shire Follower Aid - Exert Bilbo. Maneuver: If Old Thrush is attached, discard him to take into hand a Free Peoples card (except [Gandalf or [Elven]) from your draw deck or discard pile.
Skillful negociator (31HA43) Shire Event • Maneuver Spot an ally and exert Bilbo to allow that ally to participate in archery fire and skirmishes until the regroup phase.
Beorn's House (31HH44) Site Site Fellowship : Spot a [Gandalf] staff or play it from your draw deck to prevent Gandalf from being discarded until the end of turn.
Ulaire Attea, Revived (31B245) Ringwraith Minion • Nazgul Fierce. This minion is twilight cost -1 for each Wise character you spot (limit -2) Skirmish: Remove [1] to make another Wraith minion strength +1 (limit +3)
Forest River (31HD46) Site Site Forest. River. Assignment : Exert an Orc to prevent Gandalf or an [Elven] ally from being assigned to a skirmish.
Thrór's Throne (31HE47) Site Site Mountain. Underground. If you cannot spot the [Dwarven] Arkenstone, the twilight cost of each minion is -1.
The Arkenstone (31HE48) Dwarven Artifact • Support Area Fellowship: Add [1] to take a card stacked here in your hand. Regroup: Exert a [Dwarven] companion to stack a [Dwarven] event from your draw deck on the Arkenstone (limit once per phase).
Crazy Cob (31S149) File:Culture Spider.svg Spider Minion • Spider Fierce. Each time an Orc is killed or discarded from play (except during the regroup phase), you may a Spider. Its twilight cost is -2 and strength +2 until the regroup phase.
Enchanted River (31HH50) File:Culture Spider.svg Spider Condition • Support Area Each time a companion or follower is played at site 5, the Free Peoples player must exert 2 [Dwarven] companions. Shadow : Discard this condition or exert 3 Spiders to draw 3 cards.
Fat Spider (31S151) File:Culture Spider.svg Spider Minion • Spider Fierce. The twilight cost of this minion is -1 for each doubt. Regroup: Discard this minion to add a doubt.
Lazy Lob (31S152) File:Culture Spider.svg Spider Minion • Spider Fierce. The twilight cost of this minion is -1 for each Orc you spot. Skirmish: Discard an Orc to make a Spider damage +1.
Old Tomnoddy (31S153) File:Culture Spider.svg Spider Minion • Spider Fierce. When you play this minion, you may remove (1) to play a Spider or an Orc from your discard pile.
Spider Nest (31S154) File:Culture Spider.svg Spider Condition • Support Area To play, spot a Spider. Assignment: Discard an Orc from play to play a Spider from your draw deck or discard pile. Its twilight cost is -2 (or -4 at a forest).
Underground Lake (31HA55) Site Site Underground. River. Maneuver : Play a Shadow condition or the One Ring from your draw deck (limit once per player).
Bert, Troll of Ettenmoors (31B156) File:Culture Troll.svg Troll Minion • Troll Fierce. To play, discard an Orc. The twilight cost of each Troll is -2. Each time the Free Peoples player discards a condition, you may discard an ally.
Caught In A Sack (31HA57) File:Culture Troll.svg Troll Condition • Support Area Discard this condition if Bilbo wins a skirmish. Regroup: Discard a minion (or exert a Troll) to transfer this condition to a [Dwarven] companion. Bearer cannot be a assigned to a skirmish by any player.
Tom, Troll of Ettenmoors (31B158) File:Culture Troll.svg Troll Minion • Troll Fierce. To play, discard an Orc. The twilight cost of each Troll is -2. Each time a companion loses a skirmish, each Troll is strength +1 until the regroup phase.
Troll Campfire (31B159) File:Culture Troll.svg Troll Condition • Support Area To play, spot a Troll. Shadow: Discard 2 cards from hand to play a minion from your discard pile.
Troll Knife (31B160) File:Culture Troll.svg Troll Possession • Hand Weapon Bearer must a Troll. Bearer is damage +1.
Vicious Warg (31S261) Moria Possession • Mount Bearer must be an Orc Bearer is fierce When you play this possession at a battleground site, you may add [4] (except at site 9)