Mithril Shaft (1R22)

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Mithril Shaft (1R22) is a Dwarven Event from the Fellowship of the Ring set.

Collection Info
Title Mithril Shaft
Unique No
Collectible Yes
Set 1 - The Fellowship of the Ring
Rarity R - Rare
Card Number 22
Language EN - English
Revision 0
Gameplay Info
Playable Yes
Culture Dwarven
Side Free Peoples
Card Type Event
Twilight Cost 0
Game Text Maneuver: Exert a Dwarf to discard cards from the top of your draw deck until you choose to stop (limit 5). Add for each card discarded in this way. Take the last card discarded into hand.
Lore “‘Mithril! All folk desired it.'”
DE - German
Card Name Mithrilader
Game Text Manöver: Strenge einen Zwerg an, um solange die obersten Karten von deinem Spieldeck (maximal 5) abzulegen, wie du möchtest. Erhöhe den Einfluss um für jede abgelegte Karte. Die letzte Karte, die du ablegst, nimmst du auf deine Hand.
Lore "Mithril! Jedermann wollte es.“
ES - Spanish
Card Name Veta de Mithril
Game Text Maniobra: Esfuerza un Enano para descartar cartas de tu mazo de robar hasta que decidas parar (límite 5). Añade por cada carta descartada de este modo. Pon la última carta descartada en tu mano.
Lore “¡Mithril! Todo el mundo lo deseaba.”
FR - French
Card Name Puits de Mithril
Game Text Manœuvre : Affaiblissez un Nain pour défausser des cartes du dessus de votre pioche jusqu’à ce que vous décidiez d’arrêter (limité à 5). Ajoutez pour chaque carte défaussée de cette manière. Prenez la dernière carte défaussée en main.
Lore “‘Le mithril ! Il faisait l'objet du désir de tous.'”
IT - Italian
Card Name Vena di Mithril
Game Text Manovra: Sforza un Nano per scartare la carta in cima al tuo mazzo di gioco finché non scegli di fermarti (limite 5). Aggiungi per ogni carta scartata in questo modo. Aggiungi l’ultima carta scartata alla mano.
Lore “‘Mithril! Tutti i popoli lo desideravano.'”
PL - Polish
PT - Portuguese
ZH - Chinese

Technical Info
Wiki Base Card ID LOTR-EN01S022.0
GEMP ID 1_22
LOTRO Hex ID 46 25 F4
LOTRO Image ID 01_022


This card is a good example of a cycling card, as it can filter unneeded cards out of your deck. This is particularly good for decks with situational cards (What are They?, Elven Cloak, Disquiet of Our People or Cliffs of Emyn Muil) or counter cards (Song of Durin, Stand Against Darkness, Not Feared in Sunlight or Foul Creation) or cards (Usually uniques) where extra copies of the card are useless (Sting, Gimli's Battle Axe, Horn of Boromir, The Choice of Luthien). If you are using this card, it might help to have a shadow that doesn't rely too much on one card (That you will be reluctant to discard, such as Goblin Armory) and try to have multiple copies of most cards (Or at least important cards). This card also creates twilight during the Maneuver phase which, while usually bad for the Free Peoples player, will allow you to play cards like Deep In Thought or Fury of the White Rider if they are in your hand or if you get them with this card (And benefits a host of Two Towers [Gandalf] cards, such as The White Wizard; Gandalf's Staff, Walking Stick; Keep Your Forked Tongue or Under the Living Earth).

Strengths and Weaknesses[edit]

Strong Versus...[edit]

  • Condition dependant decks (If used with Deep in Thought)
  • Beatdown decks (If used to search for a skirmish event)
  • Swarm decks (If used to search for a counter like Disquiet of Our People or Here Lies Balin, Son of Fundin)
  • Swarm or Beatdown decks in Towers Standard, with Gandalf (can activate Fury of the White Rider; can search for Mithrandir, Mithrandir or Wizardry Indeed)

Weak Versus...[edit]

  • Archery/wounding decks, as it requires an exertion
  • Hate, as it requires an exertion during the maneuver phase
  • [raider] twilight decks
  • Discard decks